
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Muszę mieć na jutro list,w którym powiem koledze, że już wróciłem od niego z Anglii. Opowiedzieć o podróży, co mi się podobało i żeby wysłał mi fotografie. Macie jakieś propozycje?

Hi Harry!
I’m sorry that I did’nt write immediately when I returned. After the trip I was exhausted.
I came home by bus. Now I know that it was a bad decision because it was slow and tiring. I traveled by five buses. I enjoyed Hyde Park. It was huge, about 159 hectares. I also loved visiting the National Gallery. There are about 2,300 works of art.
Can you send me some ( some czy any?) photos? Especially, I would like those ( na pewno those??) in front of Big Ben and Tower of London.
I have to go now. Please, write as soon as possible.
edytowany przez mich4lo: 06 gru 2017
edytowany przez mich4lo: 06 gru 2017
I’m sorry that I did’nt GDZIE TEN APOSTROF? write immediately when I returned. After the trip I was exhausted.
I came home by bus. Now I know that it was a bad decision because it was slow and tiring. I traveled by five buses. I enjoyed PRZEDIMEK Hyde Park. It was huge, about 159 hectares. I also loved visiting the National Gallery. There are about 2,300 works of art. DLACZEGO O TYM PISZESZ KOLEDZE Z ANGLII? PRZECIEZ ON WIE ALBO GO TO NIE INTERESUJE.
Can you send me some ( some czy any?) photos? SOME, BO 'ANY' ZNACZY 'CZY W OGOLE MOZESZ MI WYSLAC JAKIEKOLWIEK ZDJECIA'. TO PYTANIE TO PROSBA, A NIE PYTANIE O TO, CZY KTOS MA JAKIES ZDJECIA. Especially, I would like those ( na pewno those??) TAK in front of PRZEDIMEK Big Ben and PRZEDIMEK Tower of London.
I have to go now. Please, write as soon as possible.


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