wyłapanie ewentualnych drobnych blędów w jednym akapicie tekstu :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
"Extending my knowledge and broadening mind about matters that fascinate me led to watch the film “The salt of the Earth”. I consider this the biggest eye-opener, as it showed me that our history is made of wars and their effects. The lecture given by Professor Deborah Welch Larson “Cognitive Approaches to Foreign Policy Analysis”, which I’ve heard as a podcast, developed my desire to learn about the causes of the international events and analyse the differences in their interpretation. It also reminded me of the famous JFK’s speech from West Berlin. I saw how much his own temper and personal beliefs affected people’s thoughts for years and how big impact it later had on American-Soviet relationships."

Z góry bardzo dziękuję za udzieloną pomoc :) :)
and analyse
nie wiem czy 'to' nie musi być przed , ewentualnie 'analyzing all the differences between .... 'I consider this (to be ) the biggest eye-opener .. cos bym dodał :)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 06 sty 2018

jest różnica w znaczeniu między 'to analyze' a 'analyzing'
miałem na myśli analizowanie ;)
is made of wars and their effects
and its aftermaths, outcomes ...effects jest 'niskie słowo ' ale to tylko moja opinia..ja mam taką wadę ,że lubię zbyt ubarwiać ' np and its all disasterous effects ,too :)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 06 sty 2018
Cytat: Robbertoxx
is made of wars and their effects
and its aftermaths, outcomes ...effects jest 'niskie słowo ' ale to tylko moja opinia..ja mam taką wadę ,że lubię zbyt ubarwiać ' np and its all disasterous effects ,too :)

Extending my knowledge and broadening mind about matters that fascinate me led to watch the film “The salt of the Earth”. I consider this to be the biggest eye-opener, as it showed me that our history is made of wars and their outcomes. The lecture given by Professor Deborah Welch Larson “Cognitive Approaches to Foreign Policy Analysis”, which I’ve heard as a podcast, developed my desire to learn about the causes of the international events and to analyse the differences in their interpretation. It also reminded me of the famous JFK’s speech in West Berlin. I saw how much his own temper and personal beliefs affected people’s thoughts for years and how big impact it later had on an American-Soviet relationships.

W takim razie zmieniam. :) :) :)
Dziękuję bardzo za pomoc
Extending my knowledge and broadening mind about matters that fascinate me led to watch the film “The salt of the Earth”.

a co z tym "watch" bo te nie jestem pewna???
Extending my knowledge and broadening mind about matters that fascinate me led to watch the film “The salt of the Earth”.
it;s just midnight to fall as quickly ..I just can;t make head nor tail right at the moment ;)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 13 sty 2018
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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