Proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów

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Proszę o korektę błędów:

Your boss has asked you to make one member of your department redundant. The choice is between the most popular team member, who is the worst at his job, or the best worker, who is the least popular with the other team members. Who do you choose?

I choose definitely the most popular team member, who is the worst at his job. The decision is obvious and should not come as a surprise. The company needs the most ambitious, skilled and engaged at work employees to achieve goals and constantly develop. Popularity is not the most important achievement at work. A good employee should be self-motivated, responsible, proactive and greedy for knowledge and new experiences. I think that a worker who is on his mettle should be appreciated for his efforts and engagement.
I (tutaj brakuje modala) choose definitely the most popular team member, who is the worst at his job.
The company needs the most ambitious, skilled and engaged 'at' (cos to slowo mi sie nie za bardzo podoba tutaj) work employees to achieve goals and constantly develop.
A good employee should be self-motivated, responsible, proactive and 'greedy' (ok ale cos mi tutaj nie tak) for knowledge and new experiences. I think that a worker who is on his 'mettle' (to jest kolokw/slang i tutaj nie pasuje) should be appreciated for his efforts and engagement.
who is the worst at his job
who does not fully filful in our needs? ..też może być?
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 21 sty 2018
who does not fully filful in our needs? ..też może być?
Filful - byłem tam parę lat temu jak podróżowałem po Azji. Nawet niezły b&b. Polecam ;))
Cytat: Aaric
Filful - byłem tam parę lat temu jak podróżowałem po Azji. Nawet niezły b&b. Polecam ;))

A co, alkohol można tam było załatwić? :-)
Proszę o poprawienie błędów lub wskazówki jak je poprawić samemu :)
temat emailu:
z powodu poważnej kontuzji byłeś przez kilka dni w szpitalu i nie odpowiadałeś na e-maile. Napisz email do kolegi z zagranicy a w nim:
-opisz co się stało, zrelacjonuj okoliczności w których doszło do kontuzji
-napisz jakie zastosowano leczenie i czy nastąpiła poprawa
-wyjaśnij jak kontuzja ogranicza twoje codzienne życie
-poproś o przesłanie Ci czegoś ciekawego do czytania

Hi Sam
I'm sorry I haven't answered your emails for while. I got injured on football pitch. I played on a goalkeeper position and striker with opponent team was shot for my team goal. The ball hit me in my stomach. I felt sudden pain and after two hours I started feel sickness. My teammates rang by hospital so I got quickly help.
Doctor said my that he diagnosed me appendix burst so I had surgery. When I came round I feel good but troubled me light pain so nurse gave me painkiller.
Furthermore she said me that I must respect some rule I must stay in bed and follow a sensible diet and get enough sleep.
Because I can't leave home I'm bored. Could you sent me something lectures? I like read about economic, psychology and marketing. Thanks in advance.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
All the best
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia językowe