Sprawdzi ktoś czy to co napisałam jest dobrze?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The respiratory system functions are:
Gas exchange (oxygen, carbon dioxide)
warms, moistens and filters air entering the respiratory system
Maintain a constant pH
Protection against foreign objects
Maintains an adequate gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the bubbling air, and the pressure of these gases in the blood flowing into the alveoli

1.Lungs are the most important part of the respiratory system.
2. Where is the air warms, moistenes, and filters?
3.Pulmonary ventilation includes?
4.Give two functions of the respiratory system.
5.Pulmonary ventilation is the process of breathing— inhalation ( Inhaling air) and exhalation (Exhaling air)
raz uzywasz rzeczownikow, np. protection, a raz czasownikow, np moistens
wole same czasowniki
w pierwszym odnosniku mozesz napisac 'umozliwia wymiane gazowa'

co to jest bubbling air? Chyba nie pecherzykowe?

2 niegramatyczne: gdzie jest powietrze nagrzewa, nawilza i filtrue?
3. uloz normalne pytanie w czasie simple present
The respiratory system functions are:
make possible gas exchange (oxygen, carbon dioxide)
warms, moistens and filters air entering the respiratory system
Maintain a constant pH
protect against foreign objects
Maintains an adequate gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli air, and the pressure of these gases in the blood flowing into the alveoli

1.Lungs are the most important part of the respiratory system.
2. Where does the air warm, moistene, and filter?
3.What does pulmonary ventilation include?
4.Give two functions of the respiratory system.
5.Pulmonary ventilation is the process of breathing— inhalation ( Inhaling air) and exhalation (Exhaling air)
teraz w pierwszej czesci raz masz formy typu 'utrzymuje' a raz bezokoliczniki, typu 'utrzymywac'

w pyt 2 lepiej uzyc strony biernej
pyt 3 ok
The respiratory system functions are:
makes possible gas exchange (oxygen, carbon dioxide)
warms, moistens and filters air entering the respiratory system
Maintains a constant pH
protects against foreign objects
Maintains an adequate gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli air, and the pressure of these gases in the blood flowing into the alveoli

1.Lungs are the most important part of the respiratory system.
2. Where the air is warmed, moistened, and filtered?
3.What does pulmonary ventilation include?
4.Give two functions of the respiratory system.
5.Pulmonary ventilation is the process of breathing— inhalation ( Inhaling air) and exhalation (Exhaling air)
1 ok, mozesz dodac w 'naglowku': are as follows (tj. jak nastepuje)

pytanie: zapomnialas o zmianie szyku w pytaniu, formy czasownikow sa ok.

pyt. 4 'wymien' możesz napisac 'name' zamiast 'give'
The respiratory system functions are as follows:
makes possible gas exchange (oxygen, carbon dioxide)
warms, moistens and filters air entering the respiratory system
Maintains a constant pH
protects against foreign objects
Maintains an adequate gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli air, and the pressure of these gases in the blood flowing into the alveoli

1.Lungs are the most important part of the respiratory system.
2. Where is the air warmed, moistened, and filtered?
3.What does pulmonary ventilation include?
4.Name two functions of the respiratory system.
5.Pulmonary ventilation is the process of breathing— inhalation ( Inhaling air) and exhalation (Exhaling air)
ok :-)
dzięki :D
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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.