Dear Sir (tutaj daj przecinek)
I would like to confirm my reservation from 28 April to 6 May (a ktorego roku? bo to tez trzeba dodac). We plan to arrive at about 'twelve o'clock' (mozna napisac 'noon' jak to jest 12.00 hrs) on Saturday, and depart on Sunday before 'seven o'clock' (tutaj trzeba jasno, czy to jest rano 07.00 hrs czy wieczorem 19.00 hrs).
I would like to book 'a' (przed l. mnoga nie dajemy przedimkow)i six rooms for six 'person' (ale 'six' to jest l. mnoga, tutaj trzeba albo 'persons' albo people). All rooms should 'has' (nie,m tutaj 'have') (przedimek) separate bedroom, and should be on the same 'flor' (ortog). Two of us 'is' (ale przeciez 'two' to jest l. mnoga, to wtedy trzeba czasownik l.mnogiej 'are') 'a' (niepotr przed 'women') women(,) (niw dawaj przecinkow przed slowem 'and', to jest niepotr) and one man is (przedimek) invalid. This man uses (przedimek) wheelchair so he needs (przedimek) special room with (przedimek) bedroom adapted for (przedimek) invalid and (przedimek) easy way to get TO the room. (daj, It would be) best if the room is on (przedimek) ground floor or if there is 'the' (zly przedimek) lift. When it comes to meals we are interested in full board. The meals for three 'person' (daj tutaj l. mnoga) must be 'for' (niepotr slowo) vegan and 'on' (a reszte slowa?) man is allergic to nuts. Please also take into account that the women want low-fat meals and they wish a lot OF fruit in (cos brak) meals if it IS possible.
We also want to reserve a seminar room for thirty 'person' (chyba lepiej 'people') 'endowed' (chyba nie to miales na mysli, lepiej 'equipped', sprawdz co 'endowed' znaczy) with (przedimek) microphone, multimedia projector and (przedimek) laptop. We needs this room only for three days: 30 April, 1 and 2 May.
I hope it will not be a problem with the reservation. Please contact me with any 'question' (tutaj l. mnoga) AND I am open to ANY suggestions.
Yours 'sincerely' (gdy piszemy 'Dear Sir' to dajemy 'Yours faithfully' na koncu, gdy 'Dear Mr. Smith', to dajemy 'Yours sincerely')