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Can we feel safe in restaurants?

Some time ago, the Government Department passed a new law. In order to keep safe in public places (it is just about restaurants), the law has prohibited the use and possession of toothpicks. Many citizens are rediculing at the new law. One of the people asked about the new resolution said – ''It's radiculous! I don't see point in that.''. But does the new law is completely unjustified? Can toothpicks do any harm?

Try to imagine a situation in which you take your child to a restaurant. It is widely known that children, especially the littlest one want to touch and try everything. Just a moment of inattention can lead to a tragedy. The toothpicks are enough small objects for child to put it into mouth and swallow. It can easily cause damages of esophagus or suffocation. The same accident may happen to adults. Perviously, it was rather rarely reported about choking caused by the toothpick. Nonetheless, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The toothpicks are also very sharp. Hence, we can harm ourselves by using them. What is more, the splinters may be equally dangerous. Not many people throws the toothpick after using it, most of use keep it in hands and plays with it. Apart from the fact that it is very unhygienic, it can cause the splinters of the toothpick to get stuck in our skin. Such an accident can ruin even the best evening. Over the years, there has been a debate whether using the toothpicks in public places is simply polite. Some of us are disgusted by this and some are embarrassed. Do we use the toothbrushes at the table? Because it is the same as the toothpick. Savoir-vivre rules are very important in places like restaurant so we should to prevent breaking them. It is possible that the government passed the new law with this thought.

To wrap up, the new law may sound ridiculous but maybe it has a point. Maybe it was created to for our safety or to improve our behaviour. Before we get angry at the government, we need to consider whether the law is a hindrance. After all, have you ever used any toothpick in a restaurant?
In order to keep safe in public places (it is just about restaurants), the law has prohibited the 'use and possession' (wg mnie, powinno byc possession and use, bo najpierw trzeba to miec zanim sie to uzywa) of toothpicks. Many citizens are 'rediculing' (blad ortog) 'at' (niepotr) the new law. One of the people asked about the new resolution said – ''It's 'radiculous!' (blad ortog) I don't see (tu brak przedimka) point in that.'' But 'does' (zle slowo, tutaj 'is') the new law 'is' (niepotr) completely unjustified?

It is widely known that children, especially the 'littlest one' (to jest niezgrabne, moze 'smallest ones') want to touch and try everything.
The toothpicks are 'enough small' (nie, tutaj 'small enough') objects for (przedimek) child to put it into (przedimek) mouth and swallow. It can easily cause damages of (przedimek) esophagus or suffocation. 'Perviously' (blad ortog), it was rather rarely reported 'about' (za niskie slowo) (ja dalabym tutaj 'of') choking (daj tutaj 'being') caused by 'the' (nie, tutaj 'a') toothpick.
Not many people 'throws' (nie, tutaj jest l. mn to 'throw) the toothpick (ale gdzie? tutaj trzeba albo 'away' albo 'into the bin') after using it, most 'of use' (niepotr) keep it in (tutaj cos brakuje, moze 'their') hands and 'plays' (tutaj uzylas 3os.l.poj, a przeciez mowisz o 'people' l. mn) with it.
Over the years, there has been a debate whether using 'the' (niepotr) toothpicks in public places is simply polite. Some of us are disgusted by this (tutaj cos dodalabym, moze 'practice') and some are embarrassed. 'Because' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'because') it is the same as (tutaj dodalabym 'using') the toothpick. Savoir-vivre rules are very important in places like restaurant (albo l. mn. albo daj przedimek przed 'restaurant') so we should (tutaj cos brakuje) to prevent breaking them.

To wrap up, the new law may sound ridiculous (dalabym przecinek) but maybe it has a point. Maybe it was created 'to' (niepotr) for our safety or to improve our behaviour.
After all, have you ever used 'any' (tutaj lepiej 'a') toothpick in a restaurant?
It can easily cause damages of (przedimek) lub ZAIMEK esophagus or CAUSE suffocation.
Not many people 'throws' (nie, tutaj jest l. mn to 'throw) the toothpick (ale gdzie? tutaj trzeba albo 'away' albo 'into the bin')
np 'discard' zamiast throws. Wtedy nie potrzeba 'gdzie'
edytowany przez Aaric: 19 maj 2018


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