Sprawdzenie CV

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć, czy jest tu ktoś, kto mógłby sprawdzić mi moje CV? Bardzo proszę. W razie w proszę o kontakt na priv.
Dlaczego tu nie wkleisz?
2010 – 2014 High School in the Educational Center "xxx” in xxx near xxx;
Humanistic class with extended English language
2014 – until today xxx University;
In the years 2[tel]Philology: xxx - obtained bachelor's degree - currently continuing studies (between 01.2017-06.2017 scholarship at the xxx University in xxx) and since 2017 also Philology: xxx
2[tel]Institute of Ibero-American Education xxx
Learning Spanish up to the nivel B2.2

08.2013 – until today xxx
Volunteer/Contact person
Tasks: taking care of a student from international exchange, direct contact with the family and school of previously mentioned student, promoting xxx
08.2[tel].2013 xxx
International exchange with xxx - attending from 2012 to 2013 to xxx in xxx - full participation in classes
Tasks: helping in the xxx's ongoing office work - telephone, mail, organizational assistance; preparating materials for workshops, in particular the arrangement of a large number of song lyrics in Yiddish and Hebrew, rewriting missing fragments and completing Polish, German and Slovak translations; cooperation with the office employees and volunteers from other countries as part of the realization of international programs;

07.2[tel].2017 xxx
Tasks: from 07.2016 to 09.2016 and from 07.2017 to 09.2017 cleaning hostels in xxx in xxx

Expert computer skills

Polish - native, English - intermediate, Spanish - intermediate (CEELE de Estudios certificate at A2 level issued by the Centro de Estudios Internacionales in xxx, xxx and the certificate issued by the Ibero-American Education Institute xxx at B2.2 level), xxx – intermediate, xxx – basic

Contemporary literature, cinematography, football, travels, foreign languages, shooting

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to politely ask you about the opportunity to work in your company.
I am a xxx-year-old Polish student of the xxx year of xxx and the xxx year of xxx at the xxx University in xxx. In high school I spent one year in xxx and this time has completely changed my life. For several years in the summer I have been going abroad to gain valuable experience, get to know the world, new people and earn money for the next academic year. I have experience in cleaning (I worked in xxx), but I am not afraid of any work, I think that if you have the opportunity, you should try something new and broaden your horizons. I realize that it is already very late and that you probably already have completed staff, but if it otherwise and you are looking for someone for any kind of position, please contact me. I do not know much about your country, but maybe working in it would be a great opportunity to change this state of affairs. I am a strong, open-minded person, who is looking optimistically at the world. I know English, xxx and xxx well, and I also learn xxx and xxx. I know that there are a lot of my compatriots in your country, maybe that's why I could be useful. I allowed myself to attach my CV along with photo and contact details.

Thank you in advance for your answer,
Po pierwsze w UK dajemy najwazniejsze studia najpierw a pozniej szkoly, bo to co jest wazne to studia a nie gdzie chodziles majac 7 lat...
2010 – 2014 High School 'in the Educational Center' (nie rozumiem po co to jest tutaj) wystarczy miasto, kraj. "xxx” in xxx near xxx; Humanistic class with extended English language ....no i co z tego, jakie wyniki byly na koncu?
2014 – until today xxx University;
In the years 2[tel]Philology (jezyka jakiego Lacina ? trzeba napisac) xxx - 'obtained bachelor's degree' (wysstarczy BA in English/Polish/Latin.....
currently continuing (ale jakie? MA?) studies (between 01.2017-06.2017 scholarship at the xxx University in xxx) and since 2017 also Philology (ale jaki jezyk?) : xxx
2[tel]Institute of Ibero-American Education xxx (a wyniki, co z tego bylo?)
Learning Spanish up to 'the' (neipotr) 'nivel' (popraw) B2.2 - to powinno byc w Interests.....

Experience (trzeba dodac ze to jest Work experience)
08.2013 – until today xxx (tutaj daj naze firmy, miejsce i kraj)
Volunteer/Contact person
Tasks: taking care of a student from AN international exchange, direct contact with the family and school 'of previously mentioned student,' (calkowicie niepotr) promoting xxx
08.2[tel].2013 xxx
International exchange with xxx - attending from 2012 to 2013 to xxx in xxx - full participation in classes
2[tel]xxx (daj tutaj miesiace)
Tasks: helping in the xxx's ongoing office work - telephone, mail, organizational assistance; preparating materials for workshops, in particular the arrangement of a large number of song lyrics in Yiddish and Hebrew, rewriting missing fragments and completing Polish, German and Slovak translations; cooperation with the office employees and volunteers from other countries as part of the realization of international programs;

07.2[tel].2017 xxx
Tasks: from 07.2016 to 09.2016 and from 07.2017 to 09.2017 cleaning hostels in xxx in xxx (nazwijmy to 'summer job')

Expert computer skills (w czym, w jakim programie, musisz dokladnie napisac)

Polish - native, English - intermediate, Spanish - intermediate (CEELE de Estudios certificate at A2 level issued by the Centro de Estudios Internacionales in xxx, xxx and the certificate issued by the Ibero-American Education Institute xxx at B2.2 level), xxx – intermediate, xxx – basic

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to 'politely' (niepotr, to sie nie uzywa) ask you about the opportunity to work in your company.
I am a 'xxx-year-old Polish ( nie tutaj sie pisze, 3rd year, 4th year, 5th year) student of 'the xxx year' (niepotr) of 'xxx' (tutaj daj subject) and 'the xxx year of' (nie, tutaj 4th year student) at 'the' (niepotr) xxx University in xxx. In high school I spent one year in xxx and this time 'has' (niepotr) completely changed my life. For several years 'in the' (daj 'during) summer I have been going abroad to gain valuable experience (ale w czym? jak sie bawic, chodzic nad morzem? trzeba napisac), get to know the world (po co?), new people and earn money for the next academic year. I have experience in cleaning (tutaj daj typ miejsca) (I worked in xxx), but I am not afraid of any (tutaj dodalabym 'type of') work,
'I think that if you have the opportunity, you should try something new and broaden your horizons' (naprawde nie trzeba tutaj dodawac twoich mysli filozoficznych, niepotr, moze osoba czytajaca sie z tym nie zgadza).
I realize that it is already very late and that you probably HAVE already 'have' (niepotr) 'completed' (niem, to jest zle slowo, co masz na mysli to 'complement of') staff, but 'if it otherwise' (niepotr) IF 'and' (niepotr) you are looking for someone for any kind of position, please contact me.
'I do not know much about your country' (nie przyznawaj sie do tego, tylko lepiej inaczej) but maybe working in it would be a great opportunity to 'change this state of affairs' (nie, to jest niepotr, tutaj daj...expand my horizons to new experiences).
I am a strong, open-minded person, who 'is looking' (nie, tutaj 'looks' optimistically at 'the world'' (nie, daj tutaj 'future'). I know English (do jakiego stopnia), xxx and xxx well, and I AM also learnING xxx and xxx. 'I know that there are a lot of my compatriots in your country, maybe that's why I could be useful' (niepotr, nie wiem co to ma dodawac, a do tego, moze osoba czytajaca ma ich juz dosc, trzeba o tym pomyslec).
I 'allowed myself to' (niepotr) attach my CV along with photo and contact details.
Thank you in advance for your answer,
'Sincerely,' (nie, jak zaczynasz Dear Sir/Madam, to konczymy Yours faithfully),
I realize that it is already very late and that you probably already have completed staff, but if it otherwise and you are looking for someone for any kind of position, please contact me.

and you might have a full staff albo
and all the positions might be filled
,however, if you are looking for someone for any kind of position

Thank you in advance for your answer,

Z gory dziekuje, to jest kalka z polskiego, nie pisze sie tak

I would appreciate your answer.I will be looking forward to hearing from you


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia