Byłabym wdzięczna gdyby ktoś pomógł mi w sprawdzeniu tego tekstu pod względem gramatycznym, stylistycznym itd. Z góry dziękuje za pomoc!!
1. To the California I traveled two mean of transports. One of them was a plane. I flew for a few hours and it was really terrible for me. Next, we had traveled a train, before we reached the place in which was our hotel. we didn't traveled a long time in train and I was happy for this reason.
2. This destination had chosen my parents. They had been always dreaming about to visiting this place. When my mum had told me about California, the journey to this city also became my destination. This had been our decision in the end.
3. Firstly, I had bought a suitcase and I had packed all needed stuff for the journey for example warm clothes. What's more together with my dad had looked for special places to touring. We had found a lot of interesting things to view.