Proszę o sprawdzenie - list formalny

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam :)

Byłabym wdzięczna, gdyby ktoś zechciał sprawdzić poprawność poniższego listu. Z góry dziękuję za wszelką pomoc!
I jeszcze taka jedna mała prośba - mam problem - wydawałoby się banalny - z zaadresowaniem tego listu xD Adresatem ma być jakaś firma "business travel", ale jak ją nazwać, na to brakło mi już pomysłu xD Za wszelkie sugestie będę naprawdę bardzo wdzięczna, bo zdaje się, że moja inwencja twórcza zrobiła sobie dłuższą przerwę, nie pytając mnie nawet o zdanie w tej kwestii... -_-

A oto list:

25 Wide Street

9 January 2007

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of business travel coordinator which was advertised in Monday’s edition of the New York Times. I should be grateful if you consider my application for this position. I believe I have all requiered qualifications.
As the enclosed CV indicates, I have a degree in Tourism and Recreation from Poznań University. Since graduation two years ago I have been working for a travel agency, therefore I have up-to-date knowledge of the travel industry. My experience in dealing with people and organising work could also prove useful to your firm. I am articulate and well presented, my work has familiarised me with many of the challenges involved managing, team work, cooperating. What is more, my current job has also given me experiance in Information Technology, as I used to work on a computer.
I believe that I would be an ideal candidate for the possition you have outlined, as I am used to working under a lot of pressure. Thanks to my self-motivation and organisational skills I have been always finishing assignments on time.
I would be pleased to meet you at an interview. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I thank you for considering my application and would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully
I believe THAT I have all THE requiREDS qualifications.
As the enclosed CV indicates, I have a degree in Tourism and
Recreation from Poznań University. Since graduatING two years ago I
have been working for a travel agency, 'therefore'(tutaj tego slowa cos nie lubie, lepiej...which has allowed me to have an) I have up-to-date
knowledge of the travel industry. has familiarised me with many of the challenges involved managing (managing ale co? napisz - czy masz na mysli management?), team work, 'cooperating' (co-operating ale z kim?). What is more, my current job has also given me experiEnce in Information Technology, as I 'used to' (a teraz juz nie? czy masz na mysli ..I am familiar with all computer work?) work on a computer.
I believe that I would be an ideal candidate for the position (jedno 's') you
have outlined, as I am ALSO used to working under a lot of pressure. Thanks
to my self-motivation and organisational skills I have 'been' (to jest niepotrzebne) always 'finishing' (finished-simple past wystarczy) ALL MY assignments on time.
I would be pleased to meet you FOR an interview. Please do not hesitate
to contact me if you require ANY further information.
... all THE REQUIRED (bez "s")

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