Niestety, znalazlam pare bledow do poprawek -
You like listenING TO music? You don't have any player. (nie wiem, czy to jest pytanie, czy zdanie potwierdzajace?) This is AN ideal solution for you. Apple HAVE createD A new MP3 player. Firstly you can use it to listen TO music .mp3, .wav formats. Secondly you can watch movies, videoclip and pictures on A little LCD screen. You must remember that you shouldn't 'listen too loudly' (how can you listen too loudly???)
You can use it for long 'hour' NIE, long time). It 'needn't' (does not need) any software.
'It have' (it have???od kiedy?- it HAS) 2GB OF free space. The MP3 is only 4cm long and 2,5cm wide and weightS 100g
You can get it only THROUGH our website.