Dlaczego, kazdy zapomina o 'the' i 'a' - czy juz tego nikt nie uczy-
...to 'the' ('the' sie nie uzywa przed China) China to see..
Travel was really long and boring beacause we had to wait (lepiej tutaj.. about 10 hours) in India for another plane.
When we were there we just 'can't' (couldn't) believe what we just saw.
'A' small town WHICH lookED LIKE ONE from a Chinese film. Our hotel was 'normal' (co to znaczy?) but wherever we moved 'u' (po jakiemu to? 'u' jest tylko uzywany w sms- ale to nie jest pisany ang-ktory powinnien sie tutaj znajdywac, slowo jest YOU) 'can' (could) feel 'A' magic climatE. The best 'what' (ludzie nie sa 'what', najlepiej to napisac, the best ..thing that)I saw were THE shaolin monks, they 'all' (nie, tutaj potrzeba 'were all') wearing 'funny' (czy bylo sie z czego smiac? znajdz inne slowo) clothes like 'A' priest's. Second day wasn't so funny 'beacause' (sprawdz jak to sie pisze) they 'won't' (wouldn't) let us 'to' (to jest niepotr) climb on Mount EverEst. So we found another attraction. It was 'A' Chinese restaurant
where they 'deserve' (zle slowo - ma byc serve) so many DIFFERENT kindS of meals that I 'can't' (couldn't) even imagine.
'The' rest of the holiday we spenT on travelLing around 'chinese' (chyba nie, chyba China) and doing something Unusual.