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Temat: Historia w 120-180 słowach zaczynająca się od zdania "I felt so excited when I looked at the envelope."


I felt so excited when I looked at the envelope... I had alreaday come back from school and I noticed that there was something in our mail-box. It turned out there were some leaflets and a letter. I recognised the writing immediately. 'It must be from dad' I thought. My heart started to beat quicklier. I opened the house dorr and went to the kitchen. There I opened the envelope carefully. Inside was the postcard from Athens, the letter, and the air tickets to greece!

I Started to read the letter. Dad wrote he invited me and mum to greece for two weeks! he was in Athens on a delegation and he had already managed to sign a very important to his company contract. That's why he got some extra money to buy ticket for us. I called my mum at once. She was really happy as well as me (Chodzi mi o zdanie "była bardzo szczęśliwa, z resztą tak samo jak ja" ale nie jestem prwna czy as well as tu pasuje??). We will finally see wiht dad and we will visit Athens!
Poczatek OK.

My heart started to beat quicklier(FASTER).

I opened the house dorr (THE FRONT DOOR) and went to the kitchen. There I opened the envelope carefully. Inside (THERE) was the (A)postcard from Athens, the (A) letter, and the (TWO?) air tickets (plane tickets??) to Greece!

Dad wrote (THAT) he invited (WAS INVITING - ze zaprasza, nie zaprosil) me and mum to Greece for two weeks!

he was in Athens on a delegation (A BUSINESS TRIP)and he had already managed to sign a (A CONTRACT WHICH WAS) very important to his company.

That's why he got some extra money to buy (THE) ticketS for us.

She was really happy as well as me (Chodzi mi o zdanie "była bardzo szczęśliwa, z resztą tak samo jak ja" ale nie jestem prwna czy as well as tu pasuje??).

We will finally see wiht (BEZ with) dad and we will visit Athens!
Bardzo dziękuję :))