opis / postać literacka

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Opisz postać literacką z którą mogłabyś się zaprzyjaźnić i uzasadnij swój wybór.
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Pozdrawiam :)

I think that literary figure witch I could make friends with is the Little Prince. He is the main and title hero in story written by Antoine Saint-Exupery. The Little Prince was a small boy who was living only with rose on his own planet, called B612. One day he left his world and started travelling across the galaxy meeting various planets. During this travels we meet this small boy his thoughts, wishes, and wiseness.

I would like to meet Little Prince on my road because he was very life intelligent and I would like to learn something from him. He was also just like me looking for a real friend for good and bad times who could understand him. So I know that I could be that kind of friend, and I guess he get me back the same friendship.

I sometimes think that me and Little Prince are similar because we have very reflection nature and we are more sensitive than ordinary people. So we have a lot in common. For that reason we will probably get on well witch each other.

I would also have someone I can rely on, trust and tell my considerations. The Little Prince would be an ideal homie because he knew that it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
I think that literary figure 'witch' (mysle, ze to tylko literowka) I could.. The Little Prince was a small boy who 'was living' (lived) only with A rose ...
During thESE travels we meet this small boy his thoughts, wishes, and wiseness' (lepiej thoughts... 'of this boy' na koncu albo we meet the small boy's thoughts...)
I would like to meet Little Prince on my road because he was 'very life
intelligent' (very intelligent in life?) and I would like..
He was also just like me, looking for a real friend for THE good and bad times who could understand him. So I know that I could be that kind of friend,
and I guess he COULD GIVE me back the same friendship.

I sometimes think that me and Little Prince are similar because we
have very reflectIVE nature...
For that reason we will probably get on well 'witch' (literowka?) each other.

I would also have someone I can rely on, trust and tell my
'considerations' (chyba zle slowo-). The Little Prince would be an ideal 'homie' (nieznam tego slowa) because he knew...


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