
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej. Czy ktos moglby sprawdzic ponizsza prace? Historyjka bardzo naciagana, i malo pomyslowa, ale chodzi tu chodzi o gramatyke :)

"This story happened many years ago. As far I remember I was seventeen years old boy then. My parents as a gift for my birthday let me go on holiday by myself. In fact I took few mates along with me. We decided to go the Gdynia city. I was over the moon because I had never seen sea before that trip.
We set off at 10 pm, and we turned up in Gdynia at 8 am next day, dirty and exhausted. We rented a bus which took us to the village situated near the sea. When we finally got there we built a tent, and afterwards made a bonfire to warm our bodies because we had just finished swimming in the sea. During the eating we were chatting about places worth to see in Gdynia, when one of us came up with the stupidest idea ever. He conviced us to the idea of robbing the hotel's fridge (w wypadku gdyby bylo to nieprawidlowe, moge napisac conviced us to robe hotel's fridge?). We were aware that this is breaking the law, and we may be captured, but we could not resist the temptation of getting something for free. Also we were pretty sure, that nobody will suspect us. Well, we were wrong, and we all ended up in the jail waiting for our parents to take us home. That was the first night, I spent behind bars.

Fortunately, everything finished with happy end, and sometimes when I start to resembling those moments I grin.
"This story happened many years ago. As far I (CAN) remember (,) I was (A) seventeen-year-old boy then. As a gift for my birthday(,) MY PARENTS let me go on holiday by myself. In fact(,) I took (A) few mates along with me. We decided to go the Gdynia city (TO GDYNIA lub TO THE CITY OF GDYNIA). I was over the moon because I had never seen (THE) sea before that trip.
We set off at 10 pm, and we turned up in Gdynia at 8 am (THE) next day, dirty and exhausted. We rented a bus (wynajeliscie autobus? - jesli tak, to OK, ale jesli pojechaliscie autobusem: WE GOT ON A BUS) which took us to the village situated near the sea. When we finally got there(,) we built a tent, and afterwards made a bonfire to warm our bodies (moze lepiej: TO WARM UP) because we had just finished swimming in the sea. During the eating (WE WERE HAVING SOME FOOD AND) chatting about places worth to see (WORTH SEEING) in Gdynia, when one of us came up with the stupidest idea ever. He conviced us to the idea of robbing the hotel's fridge (w wypadku gdyby bylo to nieprawidlowe, moge napisac conviced us to robe hotel's fridge? TA DRUGA OPCJA JEST LEPSZA, TYLKO: ROB THE HOTEL FRIDGE - chodzi Ci o lodowke w kuchni hotelowej, czy moze the hotel minibar - w pokoju?) ). We were aware that this is (WAS) breaking the law, and we may be captured (COULD HAVE BEEN CAUGHT), but we could not resist the temptation of getting something for free. Also(,) we were pretty sure(bez przecinka) that nobody will (WOULD) suspect us. Well, we were wrong, and we all ended up in (bez: the) jail waiting for our parents to take us home. That was the first night (bez przecinka) I spent behind bars.

Fortunately, everything finished with happy end, and sometimes when I start to resembling those moments I grin.
Fortunately, everything finished with happy end (ENDED WELL), and sometimes when I start to resembling (REMEMBER) those moments(,) I grin.
Dzieki, ale mam pare pytan...

1. ..and sometimes when I start to resembling (REMEMBER) those moments(,) I grin.

- Czy nie mozna naprawde uzyc czasownika resemble w sensie ze 'zaczynam sobie przypominac'? Czy w innym wypadku to remember nie powinien byc w formie continous?

2. We were aware that this is (WAS) breaking the law, and we may be captured (COULD HAVE BEEN CAUGHT)

- Nie rozumiem zasadnosci uzycia tu czasu present perfect w tym zdaniu? Moge prosic o wyjasnienia :) Czy moja wersja naprawde jest az tak nieprawidlowa? :)
1) "Resemble" oznacza przypominanie w sensie: skojarzenie ze wzgledu na podobienstwo do kogos lub czegos. Czyli na przyklad: My brother resembles my grandfather - moj brat przypomina mi dziadka (wyglada jak on).
"Start to resemble" uzyjesz jedynie w wypadku, gdy z czasem cos zaczyna przypominac cos innego (zmiany w wygladzie, itp), np. After a few years, the house started to resemble a pigsty - po kilku latach dom zaczal przypominac chlew.

2) Could have been nie jest czasem present perfect, tylko uzyciem czsownika modalnego "could" w sensie przeszlym. Podobnie z "should".
You should do it. - Powinienes to zrobic.
You SHOULD HAVE DONE IT - Powinienes BYL to zrobic.
Tu opowiadamy historie w czasie przeszlym, stad - we could have been caught - moglismy zostac zlapani.
No tak. Zaczynam kapowac... Jednak piszac to zdanie mialem na mysli cos innego...

We were aware that this is (WAS) breaking the law, and we may be captured

- Mielismy swiadomosc, ze to lamanie prawa, i ze mozemy zostac zlapani.

Po polsku brzmi nienajgorzej. Czy w angielskim taka forma przejdzie?
OK, ale nadal jakos mi sie z terazniejszoscia kojarzy.

A moze: and that we might have been captured at any moment (ze moglismy w kazdej chwili zostac zlapani)

Co Ty na to?
OK, ale nadal jakos mi sie z terazniejszoscia kojarzy.

A moze: and that we might have been captured at any moment (ze moglismy w kazdej chwili zostac zlapani)

Co Ty na to?
OK, ale nadal jakos mi sie z terazniejszoscia kojarzy.

A moze: and that we might have been captured at any moment (ze moglismy w kazdej chwili zostac zlapani)

Co Ty na to?
No i wyslalo sie 3 razy.
Probuje wlasnie wymyslic podobne zdanie. W zasadzie mogloby byc.
We knew we might be caught. OK, zostaw swoja wersje. ;-)
OK, upierac sie nie bede, pewnie masz racje :) Jestem tylko ciekaw czy na maturze rozszerzonej uznaliby mi taka konstrukcje zdania...
dzieki! :)
Tak, jest OK, po prostu zapedzilam sie z tym czasem przeszlym.
We knew that it was breaking the law and that we might be caught. - dobrze jest.
We knew we might have been caught - to jakby "po czasie", pozniej wiedzielismy, ze moglismy zostac zlapani
We knew we might be caught - wtedy wlasnie wiedzielismy, ze mozemy zostac zlapani
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie