I 'didn't' (zle, poczytaj o tym, tutaj HAVEN'T) visited many countries, but I was in a few amazing placeS (bo jak piszesz 'few' to chyba wiecej jak jeden) in the world, mostLY in Europe. I remember (przedimek) particularLY FUNNY one.
I was writing THE MaturA EXAM and in free time was thinking about the longest summer 'in previous students life' (cos tu nie tak) . I 'have' (niepotr) thought- it will be my indescibable holiday, which I wanted (brak slowa) spend with my friend Marta. We 'often have' (zla kol slwo) spoken about travelling.
On one occasion we met in her house and we spent all day 'for chose ' (zla czesc mowy) where, when, with whoM we want (brak slowa) travel and we agreed full details for that. We decided to spend 'holiday' (tu albo brakuje przedimka albo daj l. mn) in Berlin. We couldn't wait 'up' (nie, niepotr, 'wait up' znaczy cos innego) for that trip, 'becouse' (a to? cos to za slowo znalazl gdzies, popraw i nigdy wiecej nie pisz jego zle) we 'hardly work' (co to znaczy, ze nigdy nie opracujecie?) year-round and hardly ever go abroad. My parents told us that we couldn't have chosen a worse place ,,you can go to Italy, France, Also, Spain, but 'chose nearly' (a jak to moze byc 'nearly Germnay-tego nie rozumiem) Germany".We changed our decision 'coure' (ortog).
'IN' (ON (brak przedimka) first Sunday in 'july' (duza litera) 'I and Marta' (napisz Marta and I) caught a bus to the airport. 'We flew plane firstly' (nie, tutaj robisz kalki z polskiego, napisz tak...It was the first time that we would fly) so (brak przedimka) mere flight was for us really exciting. When 'teh' (ortog) plane took off Marta felt 'bad' (napisz ill) and I was 'stresful' (ortog) too, but we tried to enjoy (brak przedimka) beautiful views through the 'plain' (nie, nie ten wyraz, 'plain' znaczy cos innego, tutaj mowisz o 'plane') window. At the end (ale czego? musisz napisac) 'of' (niepotr (brak przedimka) nice stewardess 'informed' (zle slowo, tutaj ASKED) us to remain 'steated' (ortog), 'fasted' (ortog) your seatbelts and 'said' (zle, tutaj znowu kalka, napisz 'told us') about (brak przedimka) local time. Firstly we had to survive (brak przedimka) passport control, (ale kto? co? musisz napisac) picked up our luggage, reached our hostel and after (ale czego? musisz napisac) we could 'celebration' (zla czesc mowy).
We came out OF 'the' (niepotr) Heathrow Airport and were going to our hostel by metro.
Marta 'has' (niepotr) sought OUT our hostel before our trip, 'becouse' (napisz to poprawnie) she wanted (brak przedimka) cheap room with a bathroom ((brak przedimka) bathroom in (brak przedimka) room was very important). After we installed (ale co? siebie? musisz napisac) the ,,student hostel", (kto? musisz napisac) left (brak przedimka) luggage and took a shower ,we found (brak przedimka) 'nearly' (nie, to jest zle slowo, tutaj NEARBY) pub, where we drunk 'once' (nie, nie tak, tutaj ONE) beer and met more natives. It was 10 o'clock when we came back to (brak przedimka) room and went to sleep. The reason for that was our 'plants' (kwiatki? nie wiem gdzie one sie znalazly - popraw) 'on' FOR the next day (we were getting up early and were starting tours).
Next day we saw 'a' THE Big Ben and (brak przedimka) London Eye, after THAT we sailed by ship along the River Thames. Name of this ship was THE ,,London duck". In this ship we met (brak przedimka) fantastic group from Poland. During the 'sailed' SAIL I was fastinated by 'Parlament' (ortog) and Marta approached 'to' (niepotr ale brak przedimka) guide and 'discussed with him' (nie, to jest zle, napisz tutaj..had a discussion with him for) a few minutes. She (brak czasownika ) back to me and told ME THAT 'only,, we have group, we will not ourselves" ' (tego nie rozumiem) and I was so angry at her, 'becouse' (nie pisz tego blednie, bo zaczne krzyczec...) maybe she didn't know how many problems' therefore we could have' (nie rozumiem tego). Consequently we 'have' (niepotr) paid the guide 'to can visit' (tego nie rozumiem) some of his group.
However, (brak przedimka) remainder of the day was seamless, very funny and I 'grants' (cos tu nie tak, to jest zle slowo) we spent together a great adventure.
Also (brak przedimka) remaining days (5 days) we spent in exploring, but we were trying to keep 'each other' (nie rozumiem tego) with group from 'poland' (duza litera, to jest nazwa Panstwa). Now,I think it was once, and I prefer to be the last time too.- (cos nie za bardzo rozumiem o co tu chodzi)
We 'have' (niepotr) visited 'wembley' (duza litera)- (brak przedimka) National football stadium of England, many great museums with priceless exhibits (for example (brak przedimka) 'british' (duza litera-nazwa wlasna) Museum) and Madame 'Tussand's' (ortog) (where we 'can' COULD 'met' (tutaj czas przeszly, bo to minelo juz) famous people as wax figures). Also (tu cos brakuje) old markets and the biggest (ale co? musisz napisac) ,more clean green parks.
During those six dayS we had 'a' (niepotr) good weather.every day was not too hot, the sun was shining. Only on Tuesday 'sudenly' (ortog) (brak przedimka) sky 'made' (kalka z polskiego - napisz 'became') dark, it began to thunder, flash, and then began to rain.The whole rest of (brak przedimka) day it was raining heavily.
Every evening we went (only two) to (brak przedimka) 'nearly' (zle slowo, tutaj NEARBY) ,befriended pub or to (brak przedimka) cinema.In (brak przedimka) pub we recognized (brak przedimka) London motto,which said that"when the people 'is' (ale people to l. mnoga, dostosuj czasownik) tried of 'london' (duza litera), he is 'tried' (to jest zle slowo-popraw) of his life".Maybe it is true ,'becouse' (kochanie, bo bede niegrzeczna) during a 'fews' (ortog) days we saw little OF London ,but beautiful places,and when people 'doesn't' (tutaj inaczej...don't) enjoy 'fot' (co to za slowo-popraw) live he doesn't see 'nothing' ANYTHING. I want very much to go back there again, maybe in 'a' THE future.
GeneralLY, I think travel is the best education. In addition to the knowledge of history you can 'met' (tutaj czas teraz) friendly people from other 'country' COUNTRIES, you become more tolerant, you can gain unforgettable experience, learn good organization SKILLS, organize your pocket money, 'lear' (ortog) how important IT is TO 'keep' (zle slowo) each other, and the most important- you 'creat' (ortog) memories,which you will remember forever.
Przeczytaj, ile razy napisalam (brak przedimka) - musisz to pokonac i sie nauczyc.