Describe picture, moglby ktos sprawdzic Prosze ;]

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, czy moglby mi ktos to sprawdzic, moim zadaniem bylo opisanie takiego zdjecia:

The picture seems to be about wedding ceremony. In the foreground is couple which is getting married. Woman is wearing wedding dress and man is wearing jacket.
They are holding for their hands and looks realy happy for this moment. On the right side of the picture stand priest, next to him we can see altar. On the left side there is old woman sitting on chair and playing on harp. In the background we can see some ruins, it might be temple or castle ruins.
they are holding hands - trzymają się za ręce
Jesli mowisz o osobach, to uzywa sie "who", nie "which".

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