Proszę o sprawdzenie błędów.

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Proszę wszystkich o sprawdzenie błędów (których napewno jest dużo) w moim wypracowaniu. Proszę też o zaproponowanie jakiegoś alternatywnego zakończenia, bo aktualne wydaje mi sie nieciekawe...

And here I am in the tiny cell of the infamous Alcatraz. Why am I here? That’s a long story.
When I was eighteen I had no aim in my life and I was looking for easy earning. In the enviorment, in which I had brought up the easiest way to earn a lot of money was drug trafficking. Easy earnings induced me to choose this way of my life. My friend –Szymon acquainted me to the whole “drug underground”. In the beginning I was an ordinary dealer. However, after a couple of years I became boss of the biggest drug Cartel in the whole US. Everything was great. My “firm” was selling 100kg of the cocaine daily. I bought a huge house with three pools in Miami, and my long dreamt cars –Porsche Carrera GT and Bugatti Veyron. I was very happy, but unfortunatly my happines wasn’t perssist too long. One of my people was an agent provided by police. He was picking evidence against me and my friends. When police came to my house to arrest me I had killed two policemans in a shooting spree. In effect the court sentenced me on life inprisonment.
And now here I am in the tiny cell of the infamous Alcatraz...
(mozna Well, that's) That's a long story.
When I was 18 I had no aim in my life and I was looking for easy 'earning' (lepiej ,...easy money). In the enviRONMENT, in which I had BEEN brought up the easiest way...
My friend -Szymon 'acquainted' (introduced?) me 'to' WITH the whole “drug underground".
In the beginning I was JUST an ordinary dealer. However, after a couple of years I became THE boss of the biggest drug Cartel in the whole OF THE US. My “firm" was selling 100kg of 'the' (bez the)(mozna PURE) cocaine daily. I bought a huge house with three (swimming) pools in Miami, and my long dreamt OF cars-Porsche ...
..unfortunatly my happines 'wasn't' DIDN'T persist FOR too long. One of my people was an agent provided by police (a double agent?).
He was 'picking' (gathering) evidence against me and my friends. When THE police came to my house to arrest me I had ALREADY killed two 'policemans' (poliCEMEN) in a shooting spree.

Let this be a warning for anyone else who thinks that earning 'easy money' has no consequences. We all end up the same - in a tiny cell in Alcatraz.
może to trochę niegrzeczne, ale zapytam, czy terri jest nauczycielem?
Byłabym baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaardzo wdzięczna, gdyby terri mógł tu zajrzeć:

pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaase help me...
>może to trochę niegrzeczne, ale zapytam, czy terri jest nauczycielem?
Pierwsze - terri to kobieta. Jestes juz tak dlugo na forum i nie zauwazyles tego?
tak, tak przepraszammmmmmmm bardzo............ wiem wiem i przepraszam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
powinno być nauczycielką, przepraszam raz jeszcze............
ja też nie jestem hyhy facetem...
Byłabym baaaaaaaaardzo wdzięczna, gdyby terri mogła tu zajrzeć:
przepraszam najmocniej!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
baaaardzo przepraszam.....
Naprawdę jest mi niezmiernie przykro, że zaistniała ta niefortunna sytuacja...
mozesz przestac spamowac?
;( ...mogę...
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