tutaj na forum, nie potrzeba wklejac tego samego postu 2 razy. Ostatni byl o 22.03. Daj nam czas isc spac i sie obudzic.
Recently 'I've' (I read) an interesting book. It was the 'body' (body to cialo? znajdz inne slowo, chyba masz na mysli 'work' of Stephen King. At first I thought 'tajt' (that?) 'it's' (it was, it would be) a terrifying story but it isn't 'A' horror story (at all).
This book is 'talking' (relates a story) about a group of friendS (l. mn) ...suggested 'to find' (FINDING) a missing..
He also said THAT he HAD overheard hiS Elder brother talking with his
friends about THE corpse of Ray anD OF THE place where Ray can be. Finally they
decide to finD him.
They walk along the railroad towardS THE place where the corpse 'can be' (could be).
They haVE a lot of adventures for example the are chased by 'Chopper
(it's a dog)' (by a dog - Chopper). Next when they 'were' ARE 'going' (niepotr)crossING a bridge Gordon and Vern will be 'able' (niepotr) hit by a train. When they gEt to a place called Black Harlow Road they sEE a beautiful and clear lake and decidE to swim (in it).
Unfortunately 'it' (tzn co?kto?) showed that there were a lot of leeches.
Finally they fIND the body but they have a new problem. At 'this time' (the same time as) they discover 'THE corpse of Ray' (Ray's corpse), 'Chris's brother and Vern's brother' (Chris's and Vern's brothers)' with their friends went there' (zla kol. slow ..go there with their friends). 'They' (nie jest jasno kto) 'were' (GET) very angry that they weren't first and they begIN TO fight. 'The argument 'was ended' ENDS by Chris' (lepiej Chris ends the argument). He pullS his father'S gun which HE HAD TAKEN from his home. He also 'caught' (CATCHES) one of older boys and threatenS that he is going to kill Ace Merill. His friend realizeS that Chris is serious and they ARE frightened. After that they agree that they 'don't talk' (shouldn't talk) TO 'anybody' (anyone) (about the fact) that they saw the dead body and
they escape.
Finally THE boys phone the police without leaving their nameS (l. mn od boys) and informed THEM where they HAD found the body. 'After' (Later) they 'came back' (RETURN) home. Ace Merill's gang beat THE real discoverers of the dead body.
The last chapter describes the fates of THE boys. Only Gordon surviveS. All of his friends DIE.