sprawdzilby ktos? byloby fajnie:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bylabym bardzo wdzieczna za sprawdzenie mojego zadania. Nie liczy sie za bardzo tresc, tylko gramatyka i poprawnosc.

„Jeeves and Wooster“ is a British comedy series, in which these two main characters experience different interesting but funny ups and downs. The scenery of the series is situated in the 1920s in England.
Bertie Wooster has a tendency to get into trouble by each opportunity, and his valet, who is more intelligent than his lord and an excellent adviser, always helps to prevent him from unlucky situations as well as from unsuitable behaviour. Together they create a comic team, which goes through many untypical incidents.

To be honest, I am not keen on watching English humour but I must admit that it was quite funny to see this piece and I don’t mind seeing another similar movie some time in the future. For me it is always hard to predict whether I will like a film of this kind or not. I had been thinking and came to the conclusion that it might depend on mentality. People, who were brought up in two diverse environments and cultures wouldn’t have the same tastes and feelings on such things like films, music, concept of beauty, etc. So to speak, everything is conditional on our culture and marked by childhood experiences.
English humour is a very specific thing. However, I know Polish people, who like it. Maybe it is just a question of getting accustomed to a particular thing?

In my opinion, Jeeves is the most interesting and perhaps the most important figure in the movie. He is the thinking and reasonable character in the whole matter but he also can contribute to some intrigues. In contradiction to him, Wooster is an impulsive and active man, who sometimes acts completely without thinking. Their acquaintances seem to be quite distracted and even crazy. They all together have various amusing adventures kept in typical English humour convention.
To sum up, I can say that I like the movie, I enjoyed watching it and would like to see more of this type in spite of difficult language spoken. At the same time I must admit that I had some difficulties in understanding those dialogues. Nevertheless, I would thoroughly recommend the film to each person with advanced English knowledge and practice in listening and understanding the language.
Naprawde bardzo mi zalezy na poprawie tego tekstu. Wiec jesli ktos mialby sie ochote podjac tego zadania, bylabym niesamowicie wdzieczna:) To wazne dla mnie, zeby chociaz wyeliminowac te bledy, ktore sie rzucaja w oczy. Dziekuje z gory:)
The scenery of the series is situated in the 1920s in England.
...than his Lord (dalabym duza litere na Lord)..as from 'unsuitable' behaviour.
..to see this 'piece' (lepiej comedy) and I don't mind seeing another similar 'movie' (movie to slowo generalnie uzywane w AmE a tutaj te 2 postacie sa b. English)
...might depend on THE mentality.
He is the 'thinking' THOUGHTFUL and reasonable character in the whole matter but he 'also can' CAN ALSO contribute to some intrigues.
'They all together' TOGETHER THEY ALL have various amusing adventures kept in typical English humour convention.
..of this type (of comedy...) in spite of THE difficult language spoken.
>The series is set in the 1920s in (chyba London?) in England.




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