Sprawdzenie czasów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie czy dobrze rozpoznałem czasy.

Second Conditional
It would be cool, if Atlantis became the longest running show ever.

Present Simple
That is why I want to tell you a few words about it.

Past Simple
Several million years ago the Ancients left Earth, flying away in the city of Atlantis to the Pegasus galaxy.

Past Perfect
After years of war with the Wraith, the Ancients realized they could never win, and evacuated all their people to Earth, sinking Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean floor before they left.

ostatnie zdanie to tez jest past simple.

>Second Conditional
>It would be cool, if Atlantis became the longest running show ever.

w zasadzie second conditional to nie jest czas; nie powinno byc przecinka przed if


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