proszę o sprawdzenie:(

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
hej. proszę o poprawienie błędów i z góry dziękuję jeśli ktoś mi pomoże:)))

I sympathize that you have so much exams. I fortunately have 25days of holidays yet. This day week I will leave, but plan of the excursion isn’t exactly definite. But probably into the mountains. Properly not this day week. Just 20.08 surely, because my cousin has 19th August sixth birthday and surely will be big event of family.
Write me something about the educational system at you. Make no bones about it (czy fankly??) I know probably nothing hereupon. I don’t know even into which days of the week pupils go to school in Chile. In Poland pupils go to school from Monday to Friday and lessons end about 3pm.
But me this refers already last year (nie wiem jak to napisać:( ) In a year I will live in other city parentless and I will have a quite other the edcational system than now. I hope that I will study in one city with my 3 bosom friends, because unfortunately 2 other probably will be in other city than us. Inasmuch we have known for 11years we are as the sister and we would like to live not far ourselves so as now. At studies certainly will be cool ! ;)
Thanks a lot for pictures, they are excellent. And I wait for other. We will send some of pictures for you directly (jak tylko?) I will look out (seek out? znaleźć?) some pictures on (in, at??) the computer or whether somewhere in cameras. And perhaps you have some of your own photoblog in the internet? At us this is very popular and a great many people have such sites.
......................................I don’t know whether this means take it easy (trzymaj się?) but something like this I heard.
mógłby ktoś rzucić okiem na to? bo potrzebuje ten tekst dzisiaj a na pewno troche zle go dobrze przeksztalcilam...
tu jest tyle bledow - ze po prostu nie rozumiem tego czesciami. ALE poprawilam -

I sympathize that you have 'so much' (nie- so many) exams. I 'fortunately' (po co to fortunately?) have 25 days of MY holidays yet.
'This day week' (czy masz na mysli - a week today?) I will leave, but THE plan of the 'excursion'? (tutuaj powinno byc 'trip')isn't exactly definite AS YET. 'But probably into the mountains' (co kogo gdzie? czy masz na mysli I will probably go to ...)
'Properly not this day week'(tego nie rozumiem)
'Just' (nie, dlaczego tlumaczysz z polskiego, slowo w slowo),
20.08 'surely' (po co to surely tutaj? czy masz na mysli probably), because my cousin has '19th'? 19te urodziny? (po polsku tez mowimy mam 6te urodziny 19tego)
( cousin has his 6th birthday on the 19th August) and 'surely' (znowu to surely - ale zle uzyte) will be A big event 'of' FOR ALL THE family.
Write me something about the educational system 'at you' (At you - to znaczy 'na ciebie' - ty masz na mysli ...where you live, albo ..your educational system) 'Make no bones about it' (uzylas cos, co nie pasuje tutaj - to jest kolokw) I know probably nothing 'hereupon' (to slowo jest bardzo stare i nie powinno wystepowac w takich listach - przypomnij sobie gdzie je widzialas-ale napewno nie w listach do kolezanki). I don't EVEN know 'into' (W jakich dniach - postaraj sie cos wiecej - ten translator cos nawala) ON WHAT days of the week pupils go to school in Chile. In Poland pupils go to school from Monday to Friday and lessons end 'about' (to znaczy od 2-4tej? bo to jest about 3p.m.)- 3p.m.
'But me this refers already last year'- nawet sie nie moge domyslic co masz tutaj na mysli...
In a year's TIME I will live in other city 'parentless' (nie - without my parents) and I will have 'a' (a w zlym miejscu) quite A 'other' DIFFERENT 'the' (niepotrz) edUcational system than I HAVE now.
I hope that I will study in one city with my 3 'bosom' (nie, to slowo jest tutaj zle uzyte-co masz na mysli to 'best') friends, 'because' (because jest zle uzyte- tego nie masz na mysli - co chcesz powiedziec to jest 'and') unfortunately 2 other FRIENDS WILL probably 'will'(niepotr) be in ANother city than 'us' THAN WE ARE. 'Inasmuch' (to slowo jest bardzo stare-malo uzywane-zobacz gdzie to czytalas) we have known EACH OTHER for 11 years we are 'as the' LIKE sisterS and we would like to live not far FROM ourselves 'so as
now' (nie rozumiem tego - niepotr).
At 'studies' (nie, co masz na mysli to jest AT UNiversity, IT certainly 'will be cool' (uzywasz zwroty ktore sa kolokw - nie znajac gdzie one pasuja)
Thanks a lot for THE pictures, they are excellent. 'And I wait for other' (other co? bo nie napisalas? mozna tylko zgadywac)
We will send some of THE pictures TO you directly WHEN I will 'look out' FIND some pictures on the computer or 'whether' (niepotrz) somewhere IN MY camera. And perhaps you have some of your own photoblog in the internet? (Tego zdania to nie rozumiem?
'At' 'us' (napisalas nas - czy to jest nawet po polsku?) WITH US this is very popular NOW and a great many people have such sites.
dzieki. niestety musialam to probowac napisac, bo taki mialam temat narzucony. a zawsze lepiej sprobowac cos wymyslec niz po polsku i czekac az ktos wszytsko napisze inny:P jeszcze raz wielkie dzieki!