prosze bardzo o sprawdzenie .... :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej :) miałabym do Was ogromną prośbe..Prosze o sprawdzenie mi tego listu i poprawienie go:) u mnie cięzko z angielskim bo jestem na rozszerzonym francuskim..Chciałabym coś do tego dodac ale nie mam pomysłu... ani takich umiejętnosci..Może napisać coś o tym, że należy dbac o kondycje, pić duzo wody mineralnej, odzywiac sie regularnie itp... za okazaną pomoć z góry dziekuje :*

Dear Kate,
How are you??I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long. I want to tell you that by Friday I was very interesting meeting in the Katowice .Subject this meeting was laudable manner nourishment. Dietician speak that: We must know what we eat because it is very important.In our daily we must have five groups of food: vegetables and fruits, products milk, fat, meat also fish and eggs.One must eat by modicum,but often..
I want to tell you that 'by' (co to slowo tu robi?) Friday 'I' (czy masz na mysli 'it'?) was A very interesting meeting in 'the' (niepotr) Katowice.
THE subject OF this meeting was 'laudable manner nourishment' (cos tu nie tak- nawet nie moge zgadnac co masz na mysli). THE dietician 'speak' (czas prszeszly od speak to SPOKE) that: We must know what we eat because it is very important.In our daily (ale daily co?) we must have five groups of food: vegetables and fruits, 'products milk' (nie - milk products), fat, meat also fish and eggs.One must eat 'by modicum' (in moderation) but often


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