email prosze o spr na jutro

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My name is Bartek. I am a 16 year old student from Radom. I am interested in studying English at the First Class School of English.

Could you tell me if there are stilling places in the Pre-Intermediate group at the moment?
Could you tell me how much the course costs?
Could you tell me how many students there are in the group?
Could you tell me if the school can help me with accomodation?

Please to fast answer.

Bartek XXXX
Prosze nie wklejac tego samego tematu co chwileczke. To tylko ludzi denerwuje. Ja juz to dzisiaj poprawilam - ale TY zamiast sprawdzic, to znowu wklejasz to samo od nowa. To tylko oswiadamia mnie, ze TY nie masz szacunku dla pracy drugiej osoby.
ulatwie CI prace i wkleje link


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