i write to you because i wont to tell you something about me. My name is Dorota, i`m 37. I`m from Poland, I live in rural areas- Dopiewo. I`m fame coeurt and i have a doughter- Monika. She`s 17.
i like read good books and i realy like sports, expectialy volley-ball and football.
i work in security agency as worker security. When i`m not in work, usually I get up at 7pm and i eat breakfast. Next I give my doughter a lift to school. I come back to home and I cleaning house and cooking diner. I realy like my garden, I spent there many times.
I hate boredom and politics.
I`m very happy, that i`ll can be your guest, when I`ll be in English school.
best wishes- Dorota X