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Witam. Proszę bardzo,a by ktoś byłby tak łaskawy i sprawdził tekst na prezentacje dotyczący wymarzonego zawodu. Z góry dziękuje:)

In the future I want to be a doctor and this is my dream work. I hope my specialization will be surgery maybe plastic surgery or cardiosurgery I don’t know at this moment. I think good surgeon must be confident because sometimes there’s no time to have doubt, he must be stubborn because before he can treats people he must hard study and he must be easy-going because he cooperates in team and I think I have that three sharing at this moment. But unfortunately I must learn patience, care and precision because good surgeon have to has that sharing but I haven’t it yet. I think that job can give me much money. I know money aren’t very important but when we have them life is simplify. Moreover that job will give me a lot of satisfaction and gladness because I think aids people it’s a biggest thing what we can do for others.
In the future I want to be a doctor and this is my dream work. I hope my specialization will be surgery {-} maybe plastic surgery or cardiosurgery{,} I don't know at this moment.
{nowy paragraf} I think {A} good surgeon must be confident because sometimes there's no time to have doubtS, he must {ALSO} be stubborn{lepsze slowo to: DETERMINED, stubborn - raczej negatywne} because before he can treats{gr. TREAT} people{,} he must {szyk: 2-hard} {1-study} and he must be easy-going because he cooperates in {A} team{.} {bez:and} I think I have that three sharing at this moment {dziwnie brzmi. Moze lepiej: I think I have ALL THESE QUALITIES}.
But {bez:unfortunately} I must {ALSO} learn patience, care and precision because {A} good surgeon have to has{HAS TO HAVE} {that sharing - THOSE} {but - AND} I haven't {it - GOT THEM} yet. I think that job can {give me much money - BE VERY PROFITABLE}. I know money aren't{gr. ISN'T! - money jest niepoliczalnym rzeczownikiem, nie ma l.mn.} very important but when we have them{IT!!}{,} life is simplify {lepiej: BECOMES SIMPLE}. Moreover{,} that job will give me a lot of satisfaction and gladness{lepiej: JOY/ HAPPINESS} because I think aids{lepiej: HELPING} people {it's a - IS THE} biggest thing {what-THAT!} we can do for others.
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