In the future I want to be a doctor and this is my dream work. I hope my specialization will be surgery {-} maybe plastic surgery or cardiosurgery{,} I don't know at this moment.
{nowy paragraf} I think {A} good surgeon must be confident because sometimes there's no time to have doubtS, he must {ALSO} be stubborn{lepsze slowo to: DETERMINED, stubborn - raczej negatywne} because before he can treats{gr. TREAT} people{,} he must {szyk: 2-hard} {1-study} and he must be easy-going because he cooperates in {A} team{.} {bez:and} I think I have that three sharing at this moment {dziwnie brzmi. Moze lepiej: I think I have ALL THESE QUALITIES}.
But {bez:unfortunately} I must {ALSO} learn patience, care and precision because {A} good surgeon have to has{HAS TO HAVE} {that sharing - THOSE} {but - AND} I haven't {it - GOT THEM} yet. I think that job can {give me much money - BE VERY PROFITABLE}. I know money aren't{gr. ISN'T! - money jest niepoliczalnym rzeczownikiem, nie ma} very important but when we have them{IT!!}{,} life is simplify {lepiej: BECOMES SIMPLE}. Moreover{,} that job will give me a lot of satisfaction and gladness{lepiej: JOY/ HAPPINESS} because I think aids{lepiej: HELPING} people {it's a - IS THE} biggest thing {what-THAT!} we can do for others.