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Since 1997, when British scientists cloned the sheep named Dolly, theme of genetic engineering became a very important issue of public debate/dispute. Moreover, genetic e. is going to become a very mainstream part of our lives sooner or later. Genetic e. is a laboratory technique used by scientists to change the DNA of living organisms. This changes purpose to creation or improve features in organism. Naturally intrusion in organism's genes has advantages and disadvantages.
Let me start with advantages.
Firstly, genetic e. is very helpful to manufacture/production new species of plants. By the bringing new genes, people can gain/produce plants, which have more productive crops and are resistant to weather, pesticides and vermin. In addition, people can create/produce fruits, which are tastier and have more vitamins. Moreover, genes could also be manipulated in trees for example, to absorb more CO2 and reduce the threat of global warming.
Another thing is the manufacture of human insulin through the use of modified bacteria. In this way, insulin needed for people who suffer from diabetes, is produced cheaply and efficiently.
What's more, detecting people, plants, animals that are genetically prone to certain hereditary disease, could prevent disease.
In fact, genetic e. has many advantages but it also awakes/arouses many justified objections and misgivings.
Firstly, people are afraid of eating genetically modified food because they don't know anything about its influence on human organism and negative effects which could turn out after long time.
Secondly, genetic e. could be used to cloning. On the one hand cloning could be accepted if it is used to research, but on the other hand cloning favourite cat or human is very unethical.
Last but not least, possibility use genetic e. by terrorists. Possible is producing new type of mortal virus or bacteria, which could be used as biological weapon.
In sum, genetic e. may be one of the greatest breakthroughs in recent history, however, governments have produced legislation to control what sort of experiments are done involving genetic e. Indispensable/Necessary are also long-term researches to know more about negative and positive effects genetic e.