praca nt. marketingu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie (pod względem zarówno gramatycznym, jak i ortograficznym, jest to dla mnie naprawdę ważne, z góry dzięki, wiem, że jest dużo błędów :( )

Buzz marketing is looking for volunteers who knows a product. Next, they travel over the world and advertise it. People buy sth more willingly if sb convince them. It's more authentic than traditional television or radio advertising. Kahn says that "buzzing isn't really new. The hype about these different kinds of buzz agents is what's new". There are many different types of personalities, it is necessary to create miscellaneous forms of marketing buzz to reach (docierać) to everybody.
"Mavens", "influencers" or "early adopters" are the people who set cultural trends in natural way. They have to show they know what they talk about. (wiedzą o czym mówią, dobry czas?)
Then they convince people to buy a product. Procter&Gamble persuaded himself (przekonał się) that word-of-mouth is a powerful thing. It made a quarter million teens to buy a toothpaste.
Now they are "mavens" and they have to convince their mother to buy it. There was made a test by CNW Marketing Research and it found that nowadays buzz marketing is very important to establishments. More than half of the advertisements for cars, credit cards and pet-related products are ignored by television viewers. Well, most of the money spent on recommending is wasting. People do many things under influence of public opinion. They read books or watch films that everybody talks about. Buzz agents sell products not always with effect. It has to be good enough to satisfy customers. It was confirmed by researches PRZEPROWADZONE by professor David Bell. He was looking into shopping online. He noticed that new customers came from the places where existing customers lived. Buzz marketing must be thought over because the abuse of it doesn't bring expected effects. People will become resistant because it will start irritate them. Fader says it is necessary to create a strategy when a new product is introduced WPROWADZANY NA RYNEK. If companies think only about buzz marketing that is nothing more than one of many elements of strategy they don't
sell their produces.
Creating strategy it is necessary to answer the questions:
1) NA RYNEK WCHODZIMY quickly or slowly
2) at the beginning the price will be high or low
3) we advertise are products quickly or slowly

Buzz marketing is a tactic. It should be combined with other forms of marketing to create strategy. People try sth for the first time if they know experience of their acquaintences. Later customers buy sth again if they enjoyed it ZA PIERWSZYM RAZEM (for the first time?)
Buzz marketing is looking for volunteers who 'knows' (knows to czas odnoszacy sie do 3os l.poj - a volunteers-to l. mnoga-prosze poprawic) a product. Next,
they WILL travel ALL over the world and advertise it.
People buy 'sth' (prosze nie uzywac takiech slow- w calosci - something) more
willingly if 'sb' (a to co? - somebody- to prosze tak napisac) convinceS (dlatego, ze somebody to he/she- a to jest 3 os.l. poj - prosze sobie przypomniec koncowki czasownikow) them.
'Kahn' (a kto to jest? - jakas nowa osoba- trzeba napisac) says that "buzzing isn't really new.
...of marketing buzz to reach (reach jest ok) 'to' (niepotr) everybody.
"Mavens", "influencers" or "early adopters" are the people who set
cultural trends in A natural way. They have to show they know what they
ARE talkING about.
Procter&Gamble persuaded 'himself' (ale P & G to jest firma- nie jedna osoba - tutaj themselves) that word-of-mouth is a powerful thing. It made a quarter OF A million teens 'to' niepotr) buy a toothpaste.
'There was made a test' (to nie jest gramatycznie - lepiej...A test conducted by...) CNW Marketing Research found that nowadays buzz marketing is very important to establishments.
Well, most of the money spent on recommending is wastED. People do many things under THE influence of public opinion.
Buzz agents sell products not always with effect - tutaj w tym zdaniu brakuje czegos....
'It' (lepiej THIS) was confirmed by researches 'undertaken/conducted/researched by) Professor David Bell. He was looking into 'shopping online' (zla kol slow online shopping).
Buzz marketing must be thought over because the abuse of it doesn't bring THE expected effects. - cos nie rozumiem tego zdania.
People will become resistant TO IT because it will start TO irritate them.
'Fader' (a kim on jest? twoim znajomym?) says it is necessary to create a strategy when a new product is introduced (into the market)
If companies think only about buzz marketing that is nothing more than one of many elements of strategy they 'don't' (zle slowo - tutaj WILL NOT) sell their producTS.
WHEN creating A strategy it is necessary to answer the FOLLOWING questions:
1) Are we entering/breaking into the market quickly or slowly
2) 'at the beginning the price will be high or low' (to ma byc pytanie...zacznij At the beginning WILL the price...)
3) ARE we GOING TO advertise 'are' (zle slowo - tutaj OUR) products quickly or slowly
People try sOMETHING for the first time if they know OF THE experience of their 'acquaintences' (to slowo tutaj nie pasuje - lepiej friends). Later customers buy sOMETHING again if they HAD enjoyed it THE first time
Z trzeciej kartki. zad d). Jesli to sie zrobi to nastepne pojda z gorki.
dzięki wielkie
>Buzz agents sell products not always with effect - tutaj w tym zdaniu
>brakuje czegos....
Chciałam napisać, że:
Buzz agents nie zawsze skutecznie sprzedają produkty. (a potem napisałam, że muszą sprostać wymaganiom klientów)

Buzz marketing must be thought over because the abuse of it doesn't
>bring THE expected effects. - cos nie rozumiem tego zdania.
Buzz marketing musi być przemyślany, ponieważ jego nadużycie nie przyniesie oczekiwanych efektów.

jak to napisać?

a to przy osobach Kahn, Fader to mam napisać kto to jest? wystarczy tylko profesor albo coś w tym rodzaju, czy trzeba coś więcej?
a ze skrótami to wiem, po prostu szybciej się pisze :/
tak samo jak mamy skróty, to powinnam pisać np. will not zamiast won't?
>Buzz agents nie zawsze skutecznie sprzedają produkty.
Buzz agents DO NOT ALWAYS sell THE products EFFECTIVELY.
>Buzz marketing musi być przemyślany, ponieważ jego nadużycie nie przyniesie oczekiwanych efektów.
>Buzz marketing must be thought OUT because 'the' (niepotr) ITS abuse 'of it' (niepotr)' doesn't' WILL NOT bring THE expected effects.
>przy osobach Kahn, Fader to mam napisać kto to jest?- tak. Professor, Doctor itp. wystarczy
>to powinnam pisać np. will not zamiast won't...
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dzięki za wszystko


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