Owning a mobile phone - sprawdzenie

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Some people say that living without a mobile phone is almost impossible nowadays. It is undoubtedly not true for other who have never got anything like this or just had it in the past. Does a mobile phone make your life better or worse?

A few years ago owning a mobile phone was reservded for people, who earned a lot. Today, the number of its users reaches one milliard in the world. It is not surprising. They are cheaper and cheaper, so almost everybody can afford it. Mobile phones are useful for all of us.

First of all, they are important for young people. Students can be in contact with their friends no matter where they are. Teen’s life if full of adventures, emotions and new ideas, so they should have something to communicate easily.

Secondly, owning a mobile phone creates many advantages for adults. In most jobs it is very important. Bosses can organise a meeting in a while. Taxi driver’s work is effective, because their clients can reach them nearly everywhere. People can call the police, to a hospital or a fire statnion from all places where accidents happen.

It is also helpful for handicapped, for whom communicating in a normal way is difficult or even impossible. Mobile phones can work properly with people who are blind or speechless. There are lots of options which make it easy and comfortable.

On the other hand, owning a mobile phone can be dangerous, especially for drivers. However, there are some rules which can make them safe on the road. Other people say that they are tired of being under control all the time. Luckily we always can switch our mobiles off and have a peace of mind.

In conclusion, owning a mobile phone has so many profits, that my point of view is clear. Personally, I have had a mobile for many years and I am not planning to throw this out.

prosze o sprawdzenie ;]
It is undoubtedly not true for other who have never got anything like this or just had it in the past. (cos z tym zdaniem nie tak,)

A teen's life 'if' IS full of adventures...
Bosses can organise a meeting in a 'while' (chyba moment).
People can call the police, 'to' (niepotr) a hospital or a fire statnion from all places where accidents happen.
It is undoubtedly not true for THE otherS who...

They are cheaper and cheaper, so almost everybody can afford THEM.

There are lots of options which make it easy and comfortable. - which make it easy - mnóstwo opcji czyni je łatwymi? make THEM easy...i w czym, w obsłudze? Wątpię ;-) A może miałaś na myśli, że ułatwiają, ale w takim razie trzeba dopisać, co ułatwiają...
chodzi o to, ze komunikacja dla niepelnosprawnych jest latwiejsza :) jakos to ubiore w slowa.

obydwojgu thx za pomoc ;)


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