proszę o szybkie sprawdzenie - kilka zdanek :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam! Bardzo proszę o szybkie sprawdzenie, jutro muszę to niestety oddać a kompletnie o tym zapomniałam :/ z góry bardzo dziękuję:)

Dear Mark!
I am writing to you, because I think that is the high time for you to start thinking about money. I pay for you studying since you leave. Your school is very expensive but I know that college is very important thing in life. But to tell you the truth you waste of money. You spend it on things that you do not need. Sometimes I think that everything what you buy is not worth the price. You must rent a flat which is outrageously expensive. Do not you think that you burn my money? I hope that you didn’t borrow money from your friends?!
Please start thinking about real life and our budget.

Your Mum


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