bardzo proszę o szybkie sprawdzenie! pilne.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Yesterday I had incredible story. I thought about Joanna, who I hadn't seen for mounths and fortuitous yesterday I ran into (wpaść na kogoś) her in the shopping center. We went to the cafe. She told me that she had set up (założyć) own business month ago. She gave me her business plan and I ran (prześledzić) it through. When I read this I thought she never ran out of (skończyć się) ideas. Of course at first she had run up aganist (napotykać na)unexpected problems in departments. When she started a new job she set aside (zaoszczędzić) some money and she could go afford in July. When we went out, we felt cold and I said that winter is set in. (zagnieździć się). Joanna decided she see me off (odprowadzić) to bus stop near cafe. At the end of our meeting she told me that recently had seen accident in whom boy ran over (potrącić) by bus. Unfortunetly I must back home but I now that we stay in touch.

run into
see off
run throug
set up
run over
run out of
set in
run up aganist
set aside

miałam użyć wszytkich tych phrasal verbs w jak najkrptszym opowiadaniu, wiec moze nie jest z sensem, byleby nei bylo zbyt wielu gramtycznych błędow.
z gory dziękuję.
Yesterday I had AN incredible 'story' (story niestety nie mozesz miec, co mozesz miec to EXPERIENCE). I thought about Joanna, whoM I hadn't seen for 'mounths' (prosze poprawic blad ortog) and 'fortuitous' (ortog) yesterday I ran into her in the shopping 'center' CENTRE (wg BrE). She told me
that she had set up HER own business A month ago. She gave me her business plan and I ran 'it through' THROUGH IT.
When I read this I thought she WOULD never ran out of (skończyć się) ideas.
Of course at first she had run up 'aganist' (ortog) unexpected problems in
THE departments. When she started a new job she set aside some money and she could 'go afford' AFFORD TO GO in July. When we went out, we felt
cold and I said that winter HAS set in. Joanna decided she see me off to THE bus stop near THE cafe. At the end of our meeting she told me that recently
SHE had seen AN accident in 'whom' (nie, nie tutaj WHICH A boy WAS ran over by A bus. Unfortunetly I 'must back home' (cos tu brakuje - MUST i uzyj RETURN HOME) but I 'now' (teraz - czy masz na mysli KNOW) that we WILL stay in touch.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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