Zdania w czasie Present Simple i Continuous:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Cuckoos don t build nests. They use the nests of other birds.
2. You can t see Tom now: He is having a bath.
3. He usually drinks coffee but today he is drinking tea.
4. What does she do in the evenings?
She usually plays cards or watches TV.
5. I won t go out noe as it is raining and I don t have an umbrella.
6. The last train leaves the station at 11.30.
7. He usually speaks so quickly that I don t understand him.
8. Ann is making a dress for herself at the moment. She makes all her own clothes.
9. Hardly anyone wears a hat nowadays.
10. I m afraid I ve broken one of your coffee cups. Don t worry. I don t like that set anyway.
11. I am wearing my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong
12. Tom can t have the newspaper now because his aunt is reading it.
13. I m busy at the moment. I am redecorating the sitting room.
14. The kettle is boiling now. Shall I make the tea?
15. You enjoy yourself or would you like to leave now?- I enjoy myself very much. I want to stay to the end.
16. How do you get to work as a rule?
I usually go by bus but tomorrow I am going in Tom s car.
17. Why are you putting in your coat?
I am going for a walk. Are you coming with me? Yes, I d love to come. You mind if I bring my dog?
18. How much do you owe him? I owe him J5. Are you intending to pay him?
19. Do you belong to your local library? Yes, I do. Do you read a lot? Yes, quite a lot. How often do you change your books? I change one every day.
20. Marry usually learns languages very quickly but she doesn t seem able to learn modern Greek.
21. I always buy lottery tickets but I never win anything.
22. You like this necklace? I am giving it to my daughter for her birthday tomorrow.
23. I won t tell you my secret unless you don t promise to tell anyone. I am promising.
24. Do you always write with your left hand?
25. Do you love him? No, I like him very much but I don t love him.
26. Do you dream at night? Yes, I always dream and if I eat too much supper I have nightmares.
27. The milk is smelling sour. Do you keep milk a long time?
28. These workmen are never satisfied; they always complain.
29. We are using this room today because the window in the other room is broken.
30. He always says that he will mend the window but he never does it.
31. Do you know why an apple fall down and not up?
32. Are you writing to him tonight? Yes, I always write to him on his birthday. Do you want to send any message?
33. Tom and Mr Pitt are having a long conversation. I wonder what they to agree.
Zauważyłam błędy w zdaniach:
15, 23, 27, 28, 31 i 33 (drugie zdanie)
Reszta wygląda ok.
15- are you enjoying yourself (w znaczeniu - czy w tej chwili dobrze się bawisz?) i dalej - I'm enjoying myself

23 - unless tou PROMISE NOT TO TELL anyone. OK, I PROMISE.

27 - the milk SMELLS sour - verbs of senses (see, hear, smell) a czasy ciągłe

28 - they always complain - nie jakiś wielki błąd, ale można to zaklasyfikować jako irytujący nas nawyk/ zachowanie. Wówczas: They ARE ALWAYS COMPLAINING.

31 why an apple FALLS albo why apples FALL

33 I wonder what they to agree - co masz na myśli??? Nie rozumiem tego zdania.
23 - you, nie tou ;-D
A teraz wszystko dobrze? Dokończcie ostatnie zdanie, bo ja nie umiem:)
1. Cuckoos don t build nests. They use the nests of other birds.
2. You can t see Tom now: He is having a bath.
3. He usually drinks coffee but today he is drinking tea.
4. What does she do in the evenings?
She usually plays cards or watches TV.
5. I won t go out noe as it is raining and I don t have an umbrella.
6. The last train leaves the station at 11.30.
7. He usually speaks so quickly that I don t understand him.
8. Ann is making a dress for herself at the moment. She makes all her own clothes.
9. Hardly anyone wears a hat nowadays.
10. I m afraid I ve broken one of your coffee cups. Don t worry. I don t like that set anyway.
11. I am wearing my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong
12. Tom can t have the newspaper now because his aunt is reading it.
13. I m busy at the moment. I am redecorating the sitting room.
14. The kettle is boiling now. Shall I make the tea?
15. Are you enjoying yourself or would you like to leave now?- I m enjoying myself very much. I want to stay to the end.
16. How do you get to work as a rule?
I usually go by bus but tomorrow I am going in Tom s car.
17. Why are you putting in your coat?
I am going for a walk. Are you coming with me? Yes, I d love to come. You mind if I bring my dog?
18. How much do you owe him? I owe him J5. Are you intending to pay him?
19. Do you belong to your local library? Yes, I do. Do you read a lot? Yes, quite a lot. How often do you change your books? I change one every day.
20. Marry usually learns languages very quickly but she doesn t seem able to learn modern Greek.
21. I always buy lottery tickets but I never win anything.
22. You like this necklace? I am giving it to my daughter for her birthday tomorrow.
23. I won t tell you my secret unless you promise not to tell anyone. I promise.
24. Do you always write with your left hand?
25. Do you love him? No, I like him very much but I don t love him.
26. Do you dream at night? Yes, I always dream and if I eat too much supper I have nightmares.
27. The milk smells sour. Do you keep milk a long time?
28. These workmen are never satisfied; they are always complaining.
29. We are using this room today because the window in the other room is broken.
30. He always says that he will mend the window but he never does it.
31. Do you know why an apple falls down and not up?
32. Are you writing to him tonight? Yes, I always write to him on his birthday. Do you want to send any message?
33. Tom and Mr Pitt are having a long conversation. I wonder what....(proszę dokończcie)
Ale ja nadal nie wiem, o co w tym ostatnim zdaniu chodzi. Czy tam musi być czasownik agree?

I wonder what they disagree about.
I wonder what they're trying to agree on.
I don't know what the disagreement could be.

Wiesz, możliwości jest wiele....
Dzięki za pomoc :*
Hej, a czy 22 zdanie jest ok??? Można tak to napisąc czy musi być "do you"???
W mowie potocznej tak, w pismie raczej nie.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie