Esej - proszę o sprawdzenie. Z góry wielkie dzięki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

esej: za i przeciw(3 argumenty za, 3 przeciw)
temat: Operacje plastyczne - potrzeba czy próżność?
limit: 2[tel]słów

Z góry dziękuje za sprawdzenie.

For many people, how they look is a huge part of how they feel about themselves. For many, physical attractiveness is relatively unimportant, and the thought of cosmetic surgery is unattractive or even repulsive. But does the desire for cosmetic surgery truly come from vanity, or from necessity?

In today’s society, where a huge importance is placed on physical beauty, a too-large nose or ears that stick out can make a person feel self-conscious or rejected. Cosmetic surgery can change people psychical conditions and make better their feel about themselves. What is more, victims of accidents who are burned or deformed have chance to look normally and live in society without any problems. Finally, plastic surgery is really good developed branch of economy and makes many work-places.

On the other hand, plastic surgery is really expensive and is reserved for people who have a lot of money what is not fair because people who don’t have money for this kind of venture are rejected. Moreover, this kind of surgery is very painful and it is reserved for people who don’t afraid pain. Another disadvantage is stage of complication of cosmetic surgery. Sometimes operation can be not successful and effects can be terrible.

All things considered, it is important to be happy with who you are. Cosmetic surgery can be a good tool to boost self-esteem and elevate self-image, but shouldn’t be abused or used as a substitute for personal growth.
Ja to poprawilam, ale czuje, ze czesci tego nie pisala jedna osoba. Prosze tego nie robic. To jest do poznania, czesci pisal native, a w innych czesciach sa podstawowe bledy.

In today's society, where a huge importance is placed on physical
'beauty' (mozna tez attractiveness), a too-large 'A' nose or ears that stick out can make a person feel self-conscious or rejected.
Cosmetic surgery can change people'S 'psychical' (ortog) 'conditions' (chyba nie to slowo) and make THEM 'better their feel' (zla kol slow - feel better) about themselves. What is more, victims of accidents who are burned or deformed have 'A' chance to look 'normally' NORMAL and live in society without any problems. Finally, plastic surgery is 'A' really 'good' WELL developed branch of economy and 'makes' CREATES many work-places.
On the other hand, plastic surgery is really expensive and is reserved
for people who have a lot of money. 'what is not fair' (nie - po co to 'what'? tutaj THIS is not fair) because people who don't have money for this kind of venture 'are rejected' (nie tyle 'rejected' ale unable to have these operations). Moreover, this kind of surgery is very painful and it is reserved for people who 'don't' (co sie stalo z tym 'don't' czy wszyscy zaczynaja to slowo kochac? tutaj ARE NOT) afraid OF pain. Another disadvantage is stage of complication of cosmetic surgery. Sometimes THE operation 'can be' MAY not BE successful and THE effects can be terrible.


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