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Nowadays it is obvious (oczywiste?) that Englan (Great Britain) and the USA are countries with huge dominance and have big influence on different countries, their culture, politic and also sport.
Many sports which are said to have originated or developed in Great Britain and the USA are practised in many different countries.This sports are for example : tennis, football, rugby, baseball and golf.
Why are they so much popular? There are a few reasons. First of all is of course that England and the USA are important world countries and the other nations copy them in different arenas and one f them is sport.
The next argument is that more and more people use English. They tried to learn about culture , cousine and sport which are new for them.
The following argument could be that this sport games are really good and anjoyable. They are great way for entertainement. People who try it often like it, sometimes despite fact that they are from England or the USA.
In my opinion popularity of sports from Grat Britain or the USA depend on world position of this countries. But also this games are liked because of fact they are funny and enjoyable.
Nowadays it is obvious that EnglanD (Great Britain)(albo jedno albo drugie - England to nie to samo co G. Britain- tutaj lepiej uzyj GB) and
the USA are countries with huge dominance and have 'big' (big tutaj nie pasuje -zly register - prosze inne slowo) influence on different countries, their culture, politicS and also sport.
'This' (this odnosi sie do l. poj a 'sports'to l. mnoga - prosze poprawic)sports are ...
Why are they so 'much' (niepotr) popular?
First of all is IT of course that England and the USA are important 'world countries' (countries of the world) and the other nations copy them in different arenas and one Of them is sport.
The next argument is that more and more people use 'English' (ale English co?). They 'tried' TRY to learn about THE culture, cousine and sport which are new 'for' TO them.
The following argument could be that 'this' (this odnosi sie do l. poj a 'games' to l. mnoga) sport games are really good and 'anjoyable' (ortog). They are 'A' great way 'for' OF entertainement.
People who try 'it' ('it' to znaczy co?) often like it, sometimes despite THE fact that they are from England or the USA.
In my opinion popularity of sports from Grat Britain or the USA depend
on world position of 'this' ('this' odnosi sie do l. popj a countries to l.mn) countries. But also 'this games' (this odnosi sie do l. poj a 'games to l.mn) are liked because of THE fact THAYT they are funny and enjoyable.