Krótkie do sprawdzenia :)))

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Books are more popular now than a few years ago. It is upward tendency to buy and read among teenager. Broadly speaking, that children choose Internet or chating with friends.
This is untruth. Young people take care for book. In their view old book have something more than a new book - it is soul. Did you remember when you the first time open your grandmother`s book ? Did you fell like explorer of overpast epoch ? You should know, that some books companion People, when they had problems or the best time in their life - it gave books heart and emotion, which we must respect. It testify our memory for ancestors.
>Books are {now} more popular than {they were} a few years ago. {There} is
>{a growing} tendency {among teenagers} to buy {books} and read. Broadly speaking, {it is untrue to say} that
>children {are choosing the} Internet or {they are spending more time chatting} with friends {instead of reading}.
> Young people {are taking more} care {of books nowadays}. In their view, {an}old
>book {has} something more than a new book - it {has} soul. {Do} you
>remember when you {} first {opened} your grandmother`s book? {If so, did}
>you {feel} like {an} explorer of {a past} epoch? You should know that some
>books {accompany some people} when they {are having} problems or {having} the best time {of}
>their {lives} - {they transfer their} heart and emotion {to books}, which we must respect.
>It testifies ? our memory {of our} ancestors.
Dziękuje ślicznie !
A ktoś mógłby jeszcze na to rzucić okiem ?

It is said that read reading books is a waste of time. Everybody has own view for that case, but what make with a book, when we read them ? Deliver on shelf (Odstawić na półkę) and forget about it ? It is one solution, but better when you participate book with somebody. So, I generally agree with argument, that it`s not worth keeping books when we`ve read them. If a book has a value and curious consignment, why keep it only for us ? (czemu zatrzymywać to tylko dla nas?) Is a likehood that book change somebody`s world ! In point of fact, everything can stand ! (Właścwie, wszystko może się stać).
Jeszcze mam jedno pytanie
co znaczą takie związki jak :
be the brains behind
pick someone's brain
Proszę jeszcze raz o pomoc. To dla mnie ważne..
It is said that readING books is a waste of time.
Everybody has THEIR own view for 'that' THIS case, but 'what make with' (nie rozumiem tego- aha teraz zrozumialal - WHATR CAN WE DO WITH a book, when we read 'them' (them to jest l. mnoga - a book to l. poj - albo jedno albo drugie)? 'Deliver' (zle slowo - tutaj PUT on A/THE shelf and forget about it? It is one solution, but IT IS better when you 'participate' (zle slowo - nie wiem co masz na mysli- aha zrozumialam - SHARE) THE book with somebody. So, I generally agree with THIS argument, that it`s not worth keeping books when
we`ve read them. If a book has a value and curious consignment, why
keep it only for us? (to znaczy mnie i ciebie?) (zle slowo - tutaj OURSELVES
THERE is a likehood that A book CAN change somebody`s world!
In point of fact, everything can stand! (prosze nie uzywac '!' - na kogo niby krzyczysz? na czytajacego? calkowicie nie rozumiem tego zdania)
mniej wiecej -
>be the brains behind - byc mozgiem/umyslem popierajacym cos - tak jak kopbiety sa 'the brains behind a man') (ha ha-to zart)
>pick someone's brain - uzyc czyjs mozg/umysl - znaczy wygiagnac z jego mozgu/umyslu to co on wie
>everything can stand. - Anything can HAPPEN.
Dziękuje Ci Terri :))))
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