prosze o sprawdzenie ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Person in the picture is middle-eged and he has dark complexion. That man have quite a big face with a small dark eyes, grey beard and very big smile with even teeth and he has big nose typical for black people. Moreover he has long black hair with dreedlocks. On the head he has three-colours cap. On neck tahat man have neckles with flag of Jamaica. Also he have yelow t-shirt with sign 'Mandela for president'. On t-shirt he has black waistcoat with brooch. In my opinion he is good-looking man (jak na swoj wiek- nie wiem jak to napisac...)
{THE} Person in the picture is middle-eged and he has dark {complexion - lepiej: SKIN}. That man {have - dlaczego? W poprzednim zdaniu masz dobrze - HAS} quite a big face with {bez: a - liczba mnoga} small dark eyes, {tu: A} grey beard and {A} very big smile with even teeth and he has {A} big nose typical for black people. Moreover{,} he has long black hair with {dreedlocks - pisownia: DREADLOCKS}. On {the-HIS} head he has {three-colours - A COLOURFUL} cap. On {HIS} neck {tahat - THE} man {have-HAS!} {neckles - A PENDANT} with {flag of Jamaica - THE JAMAICAN FLAG}. {Also he have - HE IS ALSO WEARING A} yelow t-shirt with {sign - AN INSCRIPTION} 'Mandela for president'. {On - OVER THE} t-shirt he {has - IS WEARING A} black waistcoat with {A} brooch. In my opinion he is {QUITE} good-looking {bez:man} (jak na swoj wiek- nie wiem jak to napisac... - FOR HIS AGE)
jeszcze: middle-AGED, nie "eged"
pis. yeLLow


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


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