Proszę sprawdzenie pracy domowej

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie krótkiej pracy domowej. Jest to opis mojego przyjaciela...

My friend is Kasia. She goes to third class, too. She is tall and slim. She has long, brown, straight hair and big, blue eyes. We are friend for ten years.J have never convene(zawieść się) on her. Even(nawet) she is very busy(zajęta), she always find a bit(odrobinę) of time to talk with me.She can't lye, she always tell what she think. We haven't any secrets and know about we everythink. Kasia know what is her thirsts(pragnienia) and she always tendet at purpose(dąży do celu). One of her good features of characters(cech charakteru) is sense of humor(poczucie humoru). On hard situations she can {?załagodzić?} stress and everythink do a joke. Important feature of her character whose everybody love Kasia is helpfull. Willfully (chętnie) she help her friends and she don't want anythink replacements(w zamian). J never convene on her and i think it's very lucky have the friend like Kasia.
1.We are friend for ten years - ja bym to napisała tak : We have been friends for ten years.
2.I have never convene - jeśli to jest Present Perfect to powinno być : -ed : I have never convened.
3.Even she is very busy - Even if she is very busy.
4.She always find a bit of time to talk with me - to bym napisała tak : She always finds a little bit of time to talks with me.
5.She always tell what she think - czas Present Simple, więc -es, -s : She always tells what (i tu nie jestem pewna): she is thinking lub she thinks.
6.We haven't any secrets and know about we everythink : We haven't any secrets and know about us everything.
7.Kasia know what is her thirsts and she always tendet at purpose - napisałabym to troche inaczej : Kasia very good knows what she wants to do and she pursues a goal.
8.One of her good features of characters is sense of humor - w brytyjskim jest : humour a zamiast 'one' mogłoby być : 'next' ;)
9.On hard situations she can {?załagodzić?} stress and everythink do a joke. - In difficult(może być też hard) situations she can reduce stress and makes a joke out of everything.
10.Willfully (chętnie) she help her friends and she don't want anythink replacements(w zamian). - She helps hers friends with pleasure and she doesn't want to anything in exchange.
11.J never convene on her and i think it's very lucky have the friend like Kasia. - I have never convened on her and I think it's very lucky have friend like Kasia.

Mam nadzieje, że w większości jest dobrze ;) jak coś to jeszcze mozna wtrącić małe poprawki. Pozdrawiam ;)
Prosze nie wklejac tego samego tekstu co chwileczke i oczekiwac, zeby kazdy forumowicz tutaj tracil swoj cenny czas to poprawiac.
Ja to juz poprawilam - jak cos nie rozumiesz, to prosze pisac na tym watku na ktorym ja poprawialam.
Prosze zauwazyc, ze w tej poprawce powyzej niestety sa bledy.
Na druigi raz, ja nie bede poprawiala zadnych postow pod tym nickem, myslac, ze ktos inny to zrobi. (blednie czy nie-)
Nie wiem, gdzie znalezliscie, ze slowo 'convene' przekazuje to, co chcialybyscie przekazac.
A tutaj zaznaczylam gdzie sa bledy.
2.I have never convened.!!!
3. She always finds a little bit of time to 'talks' with me.
6. We haven't any secrets and know about 'us' everything.
7. Kasia 'very good' knows what she wants to do and she pursues a goal.
8. One of her good features of characters is sense of humor - zamiast 'one' mogłoby być : 'next' CO?
10.She helps 'hers' friends with pleasure and she doesn't want to anything in exchange.
11.I have never convened on her and I think it's very lucky (xxx)
have friend like Kasia.
My friend is Kasia. She goes to third class, too. She is tall and slim. She has long, brown, straight hair and big, blue eyes. We have been friends for ten years.I have never convened (???)on her(mozna napisac I know i can rely on her(wiem ze moge na niej polegac). Even she is very busy, she always find a little bit of time to talk with me.She can't lye, she always tells what she think. We don't have any secrets to each other and we know everything about ourselves. Kasia know what are her aims(cele) desires(pragnienia)(wybierz jedno z tych) and she always tendet tries to reach her aim. One of her good character features ( lub po prostu features) is sense of humor.In hard situations she can reduce (unload) stress and make it into a joke. Important feature of her character which everybody love , is her helpfulness (lub (..) which everybody love - Kasia is very helpful. She help her friends and she doesn't want anything for it. I have never been disappointed because of her and i think it's a great luck to have a friend like Kasia.
terri - to NEXT brzmi kiepsko ;] ja bym powiedzial another :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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