prosze o sprawdzenie kilku zdan ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
2. Osoba w autobusie poczułą się źle
- zapytaj czy nie potrzebuje pomocy
-zapytaj gdzie mieszka
-zaproponuj że odprowadzisz ją pod sam dom

Excuse me, do you need some help? Meaby I’m take away your hand luggage it looks heavy? Maby I send for a doctor? Do you are ill with something? Meaby I call to someone of your family? How can I help you? Where are you live? I can walk you home if you want I now that street I live not far away. That is no problem for me, I help you with pleasure.

Z góry bardzo dziękuję :*:*:*:
Meaby I'm take away your hand luggage it looks heavy? - Maybe could I hold your handbag? It looks very heavy.
Maby I send for a doctor?- Myaby I call an ambulance?
Where are you live?- Where are you living/Where do you live?
I can walk you home - I can take you home
>I can walk you home - I can take you home
pierwsze jest poprawne, znaczy takze troche co innego niz drugie.
Ja bym napisała tak:
Excuse me, do you need help? Has something happened? If you need some medical help, I can call the ambulance. I could walk you home and help you with your luggage if you want me to. Where do you live? I have some free time, so I can come with you. This will be a pleasure for me. Should I call someone from your family ?
dziękuję wam za pomoc :* :)


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