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As the clock was striking midnight there was a loud whisper at the other door „Let me in”. It didn’t suprise Jane at all. She know that must be her older sister who came back right now and want stealthily go to her room without parents knowing about her latecoming. Jane is a 15-years-old redhaired girl with freckles on her nose. Fridays night like that one she mostly spend in home watching cartoons on TV. Everybody slept and she want go to her bed too.

Jane heard a whisper again. She turned off TV, opened door and called “I will kill you Jessica! Becouse of you I can’t go to sleep.” But there was nobody there, only lonley owl ululated quietly. Jane saw her sister hat on the mat. She went out and said loudly „Jessica! I know you are there! Don’t be silly and come back”. But there wasn’t any anserw. Suddenly, she hear footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw a big shadow whose disappear at the door of her home.
Breathing with relief she came back thinking that must be her sister, but when she approached to home the door was closed. She catched a handle but she can’t opened it. Suddenly in her home shined a big light. Jane screamed as loud as she could. She asked herself “What’s that?!” Didn’t know how she opened the door and got into the house. “Mother, father!” she shouted. But nobody was there.

She was in home alone and again she heard a loud whisper at the other door “Let me in”...

Byłabym wdzięczna gdyby ktoś mi to sprawdził ^^
Prooszęę ^^ pomóżcie !! heh
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