prośba o sprawdzenie tekstu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu i wytłumaczenie, na czym polegały błędy, żebym więcej ich nie popełniała. :)

The first argument which confirm that I'm not a hypochondriac is a fact, that when people ask me "how are you?" I always say that I feel good and try to don't complain.

My percepction of ilnesses is also appearing in my attitude to medical treatment and visiting doctors - I decide to start it when I don't have a choice.

That's true that I'm not type of hypochondriac but not at 100% because e.g. when I have a check-up I'm relieved when there's nothing wrong.

I also never watch hospital soap operas on TV, and I don't think that I could learn some tips for (or: about) medical treatment of ilnesses.

The last thing which shows that I'm not a hypochondriac is a fact that I take only vitamin C in the winter to prevent colds.
Proszę, czy mógłbyś ktoś poprawić powyższy tekst?
The first argument which 'confirm' (confirms - argument to 'it', a it to 3os.l.poj dodajemy -s do czas.reg) that I'm not a hypochondriac is a
fact, that when people ask me "how are you?" I always say that I feel
good and try 'to don't' NOT TO complain.
My 'percepction' (ortog) of iLlnesses 'is also appearing' ALSO APPEARS in my attitude to medical treatment and 'visiting doctors' (czy masz na mysli visiting doctors czy doctors visits) - I decide to 'start' (zaczac?) 'it' (ale czego?) when I don't have a choice. (chyba masz na mysli..I only decide to GO when I don't have a choice)
'That's' IT'S true that I'm not A type of hypochondriac, but not 'at' (niepotr) 100% ..
I also never watch hospital soap operas on TV, and I don't think that
I could learn 'some' ANY tips about medical treatment of 'iLlnesses' DISEASES.