Bardzo bym prosila o szybkie spr. Bardzo mi zależy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Progress of civilization is a significant factor of ours present time and also future. But it depends on us, is it simplification or torment for life. Let's give some examples. Doubtlessly, computers help us at work, to keeping in touch with family and friends. But they possess one huge drawback-are killers of time and cause an addiction. Time devoted to internet from day to day appears longer and longer.
Advance in transport is also vital issue. More and more equivalents are produce to make our enviroment less polluted. But we should know that conected with test and experiments have nothing to do with cleaning air. In fact, drivers still buy the most popular fuel because they falled into a bad habit. In this situation contamination is double.
There are a lot other examples, but the most important is to show that advance in technology always has two sides of coin. If we want to be in line with this progress we should skilfully select good and cut out a wrong.
Mógłby mi ktoś pomóc?
THE progress of civilization is a significant factor 'of' IN 'ours' OUR present time and also FOR THE future. But 'it' (ale co? progress czy future?) depends on us. Is it A simplification or A torment for life?. 'Let's give' These points will be illustrated by...some examples).
Doubtlessly, computers help us at work, 'to' IN keeping in touch with family and friends. But they possess one huge drawback. THEY are killers of time and MAYBE THE cause OF an addiction. Time devoted to internet (by whom?) from day to day 'appears' (nie appears tylko IS) longer and longer.
Advance in transport is also A vital issue. More and more equivalents
are 'produce' PRODUCED to make our enviroment less polluted. But we should know
that 'conected' (ortog i to slowo nie pasuje tu) 'with' (niepotr) testS and experiments have nothing to do with cleaning THE air.
In fact, drivers still buy the most popular fuel because they 'falled' (to slowo nie istnieje w jez. ang) HAVE FALLEN into a bad habit. In this situation contamination is 'double' (ale double czego?).
There are a lot other examples, but the most important is to show that
FOR ANY advance in technology THERE ARE always 'has' (niepotr) two sides of THE coin. If we want to be in line with this progress we should skilfully select good and cut out 'a wrong' (nie - jak piszesz 'good' to opposite tego jest 'bad', jak chcesz uzyc 'wrong' to 'THE wrong' i wtedy 'the right')
Progress of civilization is a significant factor of the present time and also of the future, but it depends on us whether it is simplification or torment for our life. There are some examples. Firstly, there is no doubt that computers help us at work and in keeping in touch with our family and friends. However, computers possess an enormous drawback - they are killers of time and it is obvious that they can cause an addiction. The time devoted to Internet from day to day appears to be longer and longer. An advance in transport is also a vital issue. More and more equivalents are produced to make our enviroment less polluted, but we should know that conection between tests and experiments has nothing to do with cleaning the air. In fact, drivers still buy the most popular fuel because they fell into a bad habit. In this situation a contamination is double.
It is certain that there are a lot of other examples, however the most important thing is to show that the advance in technology always has two sides of coin. If we want to be familiar with this progress, we should skilfully select good and cut out of the wrong.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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