Are all inventions beneficial for human kind?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Living in the 21th century is connected with using many inventions. Some of them completely changed people's life. They usually make the life more comfortable, but are all of them really help people to live better and longer?

Intelligent people have invented lots of useful things in last decades. The main aim was to help a human in the daily life. First of all, to make communicating faster and easier. Nowadays there are more than one milliard mobile phone users in the world. Having a mobile is actually cheap and helps to keep in touch with the relatives and friends.

Secondly, the television provides all news from places where important things happens. People can also watch the attractive programs and films whenever they want.

In the past people used horses as a mean of transport. Today we can move much faster and more comfortable. Car drivers can travel where they want, no matter what the weather is.

On the other hand, using those inventions can be dangerous and harmful. In some cases they cause material and environmental damages. All cars produce a lot of pollution in the air. Furthermore, kids often watch programs on television which have bad influence. Parents sometimes do not have time to take care about it and young people become aggressive.

To sum up, almost all inventions are benefitial for human kind, but we should use them wisely. These things are often very useful, but we must remember that they can be used in a wrong way.


z gory thx za sprawdzenie ;)


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