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I live in the flat,which is close the city centre.Next to the flat is beatiful a lake.There are no shops in this street ,but is a scholl.I have got in the flat, two sitting rooms,one small a corridor and a bathroom. I live with my life partner and two sons.Older,Conrad are teen years old,Hubert are tonges has eight monts.My flat is a little but a cool.In first a sitting room is stand a sofa is big and leather.Next to the is (couch)(łóżeczko dziecinne).In front of is standing modern a furnitures,is a black.Next to the brown Tv cabinet stand a silver Tv set and srereo system,wideo casette recorder,compact disc player.On the floor is leyning brown a rug on witch stand big wooden a table and six chairs.On table is laying silk a tablecloth,and in the rase is a roses. It big a sitting room and have a big window, on the window is are hanging lece curtains.Hall is small there (w rogu) there is a wardrobe olive,next to the is an chest of drawers for shoes.Opposite a hall is a bathroom.In the bathroom is white bath and wahbasin and toilet. By is stand a washing machine.Over the wahbasin is small a shelf on the cosmetucs and mirror.In the hall also is a mirror only is a big.Second a room is small. There is corner sette (oraz) white wallunit.In a wardrobe this is clothings and in the shelf is a books and trinkets.Close a window a stand desk and computer.Next to the corner a sette layning a runner on the floor ,and on the wall is wisit clock and a posters.In the kitchen is beige a sideboard oposite sink and freezer klass A. My favorite room is big a sitting room and evenings is room rest in the which watch TV.It coisy flat,but want live in the bungalow,beacause here aren,t garden.
napisz to uzywajac wlasnych slow - a nie te podpowiedziane przez translator (i to do tego kiepski). Nie tlumacz slowo w slowo z polskiego (bo to tutaj zrobiles) i z tego wychodzi belkot.
I prosze postarac sie rozroznic l. pojedyncza od l. mnogiej.
no własnie nie umiem ucze sie dopiero i nie wiem jak to zrobic i co jest nietak,niewiem
Nie od razu Rzym zbudowano. Oczywiście, że nie umiesz, bo się dopiero uczysz. Logiczne więc jest, że angielski znasz gorzej niż angielki kilkulatek. Dlaczego więc chcesz od razu pisać na poziomie zaawansowanym?

Pisz tak jak umiesz (a umiesz niewiele) od razu po angielsku.
to praca domowa gdybym miał napisane jak to powinno byc poprawnie to bym wiedział jakich mam nierobic błedów na przyszłosc,zależy mi także na dobrej ocenie ,pisałem to5 dni a wyszło do bani.


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