reported speech-pomozcie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam wszystkich
własnie wykonuje zadania z reported speech i mam kilka watpliwosci. Pomozcie mi prosze i sprawdzcie czy dobrze odpowiedzialem - dziekuje
A moze ktos wie z jakiej ksiazki sa te cwiczenia? (wiem tylko ze jest to rozdzial 6 str 34)
Rewrite each sentence. Do not change the meaning.

1. 'I will definitely take you to the park on Sunday, children'
Tom promised the .....
ja napisalem:
Tom promised the children would be taken to the park on Sunday
czy tak moze byc?

Complete the sentences. Use the number of words given in brackets.

2. 'Look don't worry, I'ill help you if you like'
-Sue said she ...........(three words)

moja odpowiedz to:
Sue said she would help me

3. 'I hope you don't mind my saying this, but you are being a bit silly, aren't you?'
Peter told me I ...............(five words)
moja odpowiedz to:
Peter told me I was being a bit silly

4'It dosen't look like as if I'll be arriving until after eight, I'am afraid'
-Jane said she probably ..................( five words)
moja odpwiedz to:
Jane said she probably not to arrive until eight
>1. 'I will definitely take you to the park on Sunday, children'
>Tom promised the .....
>ja napisalem:
>Tom promised the children would be taken to the park on Sunday
>czy tak moze byc?

alez nie!
Tom promised the children {that he} would {definitely take them} to the park on Sunday.

>4'It dosen't look like as if I'll be arriving until after eight, I'am
>-Jane said she probably ......( five words)
>moja odpwiedz to:
>Jane said she {wouldn't} probably {be arriving} until eight.
dziekuje za odpowiedz.
w pytaniu nr 4 musi byc na poczatku
Jane said she probably
a potem 5 slow
wiec nie mozna wstawic wouldn't przed probably, a poza tym to tam byloby 6 wyrazów
Jak zamienić to na reported speech "Don't say it to Paul!"
JAK POWINNO BYĆ?? "don't say it to Paul" --> she asked not to say it to Paul CZY she asked not to tell it to Paul. CZY to nie ma różnicy w tell i say?
na pewno musi byc she asked ME
i wersja z say, i z tell sa ok - poniewaz wystepuje tu slowo it, nie pozna powiedziec 'tell Paul it'
mozna tez powiedziez tell Paul about it
mozesz 'She didn't want me to say it to Paul.'
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie