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Euro 2012 definitely won`t be organised by Poland. Because Poland almost certainly won`t build football arenas. We probably won't manage to do it enough good. Euro 2012 may became a very bad advertising for Poland. Polish politicians probably won`t well prepare competent acts. So I think that Poland will probably changed for another country. But Euro on Ukraine will be probably done. In the same time Ukraine will be definitely better prepared than Poland. They will be almost certainly known better how it make. Poland will be definitely loss in this game.
Because Poland almost certainly won`t HAVE builT THE football 'arenas'( a dlaczego nie 'grounds'?). 'We' ( sam sie za to bierzesz?) probably won't manage
to do it 'enough good' (nie tak, WELL ENOUGH. Euro 2012 may becOme a very bad advertising for Poland. Polish politicians probably won`t 'well prepare'PREPARE competent acts. So I think that Poland will probably BE changed for another
country. But Euro 'on' IN Ukraine will 'be probably done' PROBABLY TAKE PLACE.. 'In' AT the same time Ukraine will be definitely better prepared than Poland. They will 'be' (cos nie tak) almost certainly knoW better 'how it make' (how to do it?). Poland will 'be' (niepotr) definitely losE in this game.
terri, dziękuję Ci bardzo za cenne wskazówki....


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