Sprawdzenie Pocztówki & Ogłoszenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie dwóch moich prac.
Z góry za pomoc dziękuję.

I'm on a winter camp in Poland. At the moment I'm playing football. Tomorrow I'll skiing and swimming. The weather is very beautiful - lots of sunshine and no rain. Could you tell me how spend yours winter rest.

I would like to propose for young the English course the Polish language. I think that young English should go on the course. The Polish language give big possibility. For example good communication in Poland and England. I'm teacher the Polish since 1980. I have big experience in my profession.
Przepraszam za podbicie, ale jest mi to potrzebne na piątek.
Pozdrawiam i z góry dziękuję za zrozumienie.
Na pewno nie 'I'll skiing'. Mozesz powiedziec 'I will BE skiing' albo 'I will ski'. Czesto uzywa sie 'go skiing'. Could you tell me how you spent your winter rest? - jesli masz na mysli czas przeszly. Nad ogloszeniem popracuj jeszcze:)
Poprawione ogłoszenie:
I would like to propose for young English course of Polish language. I think that young English should go on the course. The Polish language gives big possibilities. For example good communication in Poland and England. I'm teaching Polish since 1980. I have big experience in my profession.
I have been teaching Polish since...


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia