Past tense (Past Simple, Past Continouse, Past Perfekt)
When I was little dad_____________--(bring) e home a goldfish. I was delighted but something soon went wrong. My parents_______(talk) to some friends who had come visit us, ang I was a bit bored so I ______(go)into the kitchen to see mu goldfish. The packet of goldfish food_______(srand) on the tble naxt to the goldfish bowl and I picked it up to look at it. My parents______(tell) me never to feed the goldfish, but I _______(thing) it looked a bit hungry so I ________(decide) to feed it. Unfortunately the lid came off the packet of goldfish food, and the entire contents_______(fall) into the water. I was relally embarrassed and I felt incredibly guilty becouse I_______(be) so disobedient. I ______(run) into the livimg room crying and crying and eventually I told mu parents what____(happen). My goldfish survived, thought, and went on to live for another two years.