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Witam, bardzo bym był wdzięczny za sprawdzenie tego oto tekstu :) Z góry dziękuję.

Federalism plays major role in the politic of Europe. The main issue of my essay is broadly defined term federalism. Assumption of this work is trying to recount characteristics of European federalism and his changeovers after 1923. In my essay I would like to answer the question about sovereignty of Poland in the European Union. There are present up-to-day federals elements of constructions in European Union. Moreover I would like to predict future politic’s shape of this organization. In my work I tried to prove that federalism isn’t seriously danger for country’s sovereignty. Federalism is one of the best way for effective (good) foreign policy ( international relations). European Union tends to federalism and it is inevitable process. New Lisbon Treaty preserve federal’s changes. Federalism is one of the chance for better future.
Federalism plays 'A' major role in the politicS of Europe. The main issue
of my essay is TO broadly definE THE term federalism.
'Assumption of this work' (cos tutaj nie tak - nie wiem dokladnie co chesz powiedziec) is trying to recount characteristics of European federalism and 'his' (nie-najwyzej ITS) 'changeovers' (changes?) 'after' SINCE 1923. In my essay I would like to 'answer' CONSIDER the question 'about' (nie uzywaj tego, moze OF THE sovereignty of Poland (jabym tutaj dala within) in the European Union.
..There are present up-to-day 'federals' FEDERAL elements of constructions in THE European zdanie cos mi nie gra.
Moreover I would like to predict future 'politic's' POLITICAL shape of
this organization. In my work I tried to prove that federalism isn't
'A serious danger' (a serious danger) for THE country's sovereignty. Federalism is one of the best way for effective foreign policy and international
relations). European Union tends to (tu cos brakuje ...move towards?) federalism and it is AN inevitable process. THE new Lisbon Treaty preserve 'federal's' FEDERAL changes. Federalism is one of the chanceS for better future.
Dzięki wielkie :)