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These were birthdays Jeremy’s. In the party can 4 personen. Amanda his wife. Barbara his daughter, Gardon his business partner and Klaudia his secretary. Next morning when Amanda went to her husband’s bedroom she found him in bed…dead. At 9 o’clock arrived Inspector Granger. Inspecotor examined it guests. Amandathat his husband was a difficult man. She hared him. She has a motive.
Barbara after dinner plays the kart with Gardon. She went to slept at 11 30. She loved father.
Gordon said that after dinner he plays the kart with Barbara.. He liked Jeremy. Jeremy was a great business partner. He has a motive,
Claudia heard that Amanda went to his husband bedroom. Claudia went to bed after dinner. She loved him, because he wounded her, her marriage promised and lay Her.
She has a motive.
Turned out from Gordon killed because Jeremy had marred his daughter. Gordon thought that Jeremy it walked about money because killed him.
ty chyba niemieckiego sie tez uczysz?
'These were' IT WAS 'birthdays Jeremy's' (NIE , nie tak...najpierw kogo a pozniej co...Jeremy's birthday). 'In' AT the party 'can 4 personen' (nie rozumiem - czy chcesz powiedziec ..were 4 people), Amanda his wife, Barbara his daughter, 'Gardon' (GORDON?) his business partner and Klaudia his secretary. THE next morning when Amanda went to her husband's bedroom she found him in bed...(tu mozna dodac 'stone') dead. At 9 o'clock 'arrived Inspector
Granger' (zla kol slow ...Insp. Granger arrived.). THE 'Inspecotor' (ortog) examined 'it guests' (NIE - prosze nie tlumcz slowo w slowo z polskiego, bo sie pogniewam - HIS (jego) guests).. Amanda (ale co? powiedziala, szeptala, usiadomila?) that 'his' (jego- czy jej, chyba jak husband to jej husband HER husband) husband was a VERY difficult man. She 'hared' (nie, nie to slowo - tutaj HATED) him. She haD a motive (ale do czego, do kochania jego?).
'Barbara after dinner' (zla kol slow...After dinner, Barbara 'plays' (nie tutaj czas przeszly simple PLAYED) 'the' (niepotr) 'kart' (ortog) with 'Gardon'? . She went to 'slept' (Nie, tutaj SLEEP) at 11.30 (a.m. czy p.m.? bo z ludzmi to nigdy nie wiadomo). She loved HER father.
'Gordon' (aha, to jest Gordon, popraw tamte Gardon) said that after dinner he 'plays' PLAYED 'the' (niepotr) 'kart' (ortog i tutaj l. mn) with Barbara. He has a motive (ale do czego?). Claudia heard that Amanda went to 'his' (his to jego- a tutaj JEJ - HER) husband'S bedroom.
.....She loved him, because he wounded her, her marriage promised and lay Her....(niestety, musisz jeszcze raz nnapisac to zdanie)
IT turned out 'from' THAT Gordon killed (kogo?) because Jeremy had 'marred' (nie, tutaj inne slowo, marred a married to 2 znaczenia) his daughter.
Gordon thought that Jeremy 'it' (nie rozumiem tego 'it' tutaj) 'walked' (czy to jest wlasciwe slowo) about money because (ale kto, kogo?) killed him. (To zdanie nie jest za bardzo jasne)
Dziękujee sliczniee i przepraszam za kłopot.. Tak niemiecki to moj jezyk wiodący.. a angielski podstawowy.. dzięki wielkie za pomoc!!:)))
napisz to jeszcze raz z poprawkami, zebysmy dokladnie sprawdzili.
Ok juz pisze...


CAE - sesja lato 2008


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