a personal letter - prośba o poprawienie błędów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi Tina!
How do you do? Where would you like to go on holiday, have you any plans? I want to know something about your contemporary life, we haven't seen each other for months.
In this year i'm spending holiday in sunny Croatia. We have acommodation on campsite in the middle of nowhere. Actually, it is sommer, so we have sometimes over 40 C - it is to hot, believe me. Luckily, I found small shop in area, so we are cheerful here.
When it is to hot to go anywhere, we just relax - swimming, sunbathing- we have a lots of variety to choose. Yesterday we visited the ancient city. There were a huge amount of old churches and castles. For me it was educational expierance.
I'm here of course with our friends - Jesicca and Kenny. I suppouse that they felt in love. Life can be amazing! They tend to be totally diffrent. She is shy, and he is outgoing person.
I met pretty girl. Predictable, we arranged a date. It was a fantastic time. She is a taxi-driver. Funny?
Well, I should wash the dishe. Write back soon. I'll be at home on Sunday.
All te best, Xirusss
1. HOW ARE YOU /how do you do – głównie przy przedstawianiu, gdy widzicie się po raz pierwszy (choć ktoś może powiedzieć, że nie tylko)
2. have you GOT any...albo: DO YOU HAVE any
3. PRESENT life /contemporary – współczesny, dzisiejszy . Albo po prostu : ...know HOW THINGS ARE
4. THIS year / tak jak this week
5. może: I'M LIVING / piszesz nieformalny/...A campsite
6. THOUGH IT'S /skróty/ summer, IT'S TOO hot, sometimes EVEN over...
7. I'VE FOUND A small...in THE area (to chyba jakiś sklep z mamrotem, jak wam tak wesoło)
9. A LOT of , albo LOTS of
10. AN educational...SUPPOSE...FELL /od fall/ ...
11. They SEEM TO be...AN outgoing... 12. I'VE MET A pretty girl an we HAD A DATE ...DISHES (albo: wash up)
Mam prośbę o pomoc:)mam napisać list ,już to zrobiłam prawie tylko nie wiem paru rzeczy więc proszę o odpowiedzi,o rozpatrzenie mojej prośby>oto czego nie wiem:synonimy sympozjum np.wykład,wywód,spotkanie;jak napisać Te spotkanie odbyło się 15 czerwca w moim uniwersytecie;Jak napisać te sympozjum prowadził John Hopkinspomózcie.Błagam.To kilka kwestii których nie wiem>
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