sprawdzenie opisu wykresów-IELTS

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jeśli osoba obeznana z IELTSowymi wymaganiami byłaby tak miła i to sprawdziła wystawiając ocenę to będę bardzo wdzięczna. Co prawda brak jest opisywanych wykresów, ale mam nadzieję że nie będzie to istotna przeszkoda. W ocenie mojej pracy chodzi mi bardziej o użyte słownictwo, jasność sformułowań itd. Z pewnością uwzględniłam najważniejsze informacje, co jest wymagane.
The bar and line charts present the information concerning the overall trend in Japanese tourist sector between 1985 and 1995.
There is almost a continuous rise in the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad in the stated period. It started at 5 million people in 1985 and more than doubled within next five years. There was observed a slight decline in 1991 but after that the number continued to grow and reached nearly 16 million in 1995.

As far as Australia'a share of the Japanese tourist sector is concerned similar trend can be observed- i.e. almost permanent growth within ten years. In 1985 only 2 percent of all Japanese travelling abroad chose Australia as their destination. This ratio more than doubled by the year 1988 reaching almost 5 percent. A very little decrease was recorded next year. Since 1989 the Australia's share was considerably growing and reached a bit more than 6 percent in 1993. Then again ocurred a very slight drop.

All things considered, presented data shows that both figures increased significantly over ten-year period. They both trippled from 1985 to 1995.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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